Beginner Question About Goldfish


New Member
Jul 17, 2006
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I have recently purchased a stand and am picking up a 37 gallon tank tomorrow. I have 2 fancy goldfish in a 10g right now and will be moving them to the bigger tank.

I was planning on putting a few tropical fish with my goldfish, but after reading here am no longer planning to do so.

I think I will put 1 more goldfish with the other two, and my question there anything else that I can put with the goldfish. I am a bit confused by what fish can live in colder water with the goldfish. It just seems like only 3 goldfish would be a little dull for my tank. Thanks for your help, sorry this is a rookie question.

Make sure you add another fancy to your collection and its a good idea to quarantine it for a month to make sure theres no hidden diseases.

As for other fish, white cloud minnows are readily available and also some danios do well in cooler water. There was a fish i saw in a pet shop but for the life of me i cant remember what they were called. They looked like little female guppies but with a blue flash to the tail. But those might be too small anyway.

Rosey red minnows are a lot bigger than the white clouds but you could get a couple of those.

If you have a really cold tank then having an oxygenated spray at the back glass could be a good place for hong kong plecs to hang out, but only when you have algae growing.
Thanks, I will probably get some white cloud there any type of bottom feeder that does ok in colder water? I have heard that Goldfish like to eat of the bottom too, does this mean it isn't good to put a bottom feeder with them?
I've got a betta with mine. They've been together for 3 years and get along famously. Not sure if that's normal or not, but they look great together.

GoinNuts, it is strongly advised against to keep bettas with goldfish. I am glad it has worked for you, but please do not suggest it to other members. They are two species with vastly different needs; one is a solitary, agressive tropical fish that appreciates still water and is sensitive to ammonia and bacteria. The other is a social, passive coldwater fish that requires a powerful filter and bubbler, and produces tons of ammonia. You've been lucky to have not encountered problems for sure.

As for tank mates, I'm not sure of what you could do with a tank that size unless you have a massively powerful filter. 3 fancies might be ok, but as mentioned, please quarentene first. You could do Rosy Reds or WCMM's, I suggest the latter sicne they will do less on the bioload; eventually, those goldies will turn into massive 6-8inch poop monsters and will be a handful to keep clean even with just the two of them. My main concern with the minnows is if the goldfish will eventually eat them, since goldfish eat anything they can fit in their mouths. It shouldn't be a concern for some time, though, and by then - who knows? Minnows might be gone.
So far as hill stream loaches go, again - eventually, they'll fit in the goldie's mouth. Many people keep them with fancies with sucess, though. Dojo/Weather loaches are also a fun bottom-feeder, but I think they alone need a good 20g, so it wouldn't work in a tank of that size as I believe they appreciate to live in pairs or more.

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