Beginner Panda Cory Question


New Member
Oct 6, 2007
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tomorrow i am going to buy a few fish for my 20 gallon aquarium. i want a pair of 2 panda cories, and a few livebearers to start with. i was just wondering if you should have a special food for the cories, because i know they are bottom feeders, but will they eat floating flake food? i have tetramin topical fish flake food from my previous tank, but i was wondering what you cory owners feed yours
i know this may seem like a silly question to all you people who have had corys or any type of fish for years, but for a beginner like me, any help is appriciated
Corys do better in groups of 5 or more. Some say panda corys are a more sensitive fish, I've never had a problem, as long as you keep up on tank maintenance.

You didn't specify whether the tank is a 20 long or 20 high, this will make a difference in the stocking of the tank. Posting the tank measurements will help.

You didn't post the sex of the livebearers; the usual ratio is at least two females to each male. Also, danios like to be in a larger group than two, being a shoaling fish.

In tanks with corys I like to feed frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, live blackworms, and some sinking veggie pellets to give them a little vegetable matter to round out their diet. They will eat the stray flakes that float to the bottom, but these are often not heavy enough in protein for corys.
I alternate TetraMin Tropical Tablets, Aquarian Sinking Algae Crisps and Omega One Shrimp Pellets. They actually go for whatever TetraMin Tropical Crisps or TetraMin flakes reach the bottom first, then on to the other food.

I'm wondering too, is your tank already cycled and are you planning on adding all those fish at once?
thank you for all your help

the tank is a 20 gallon regular, it is not a high one

also for the other question, i realize that you have to add a few fish at a time. this is how i plan the tank to be in a few weeks, but with the suggestions i might want to add more.

also you said you should have 2 females to one male. how do you tell the sexes of livebearers??

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