Beginner: Number of tetras for a 10 gallon tank


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Oct 5, 2020
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Hi guys, I got mixed information from different sources suggesting the number of tetras you should keep in a 10 gallon tank. Some said about six, some said 10-20+ and some said depends on the power of the filtration. Some suggested just keep one breed.
I have some cardinals and I am also interested to get other breeds such as rummy nose, lemon tetras.
Any thoughts ?
A 10g is actually a little small for even cardinals. I would not add more tetra species to this.

Upgrade to a 20 gallon is your best choice. If you want 2 different tetra species, go for a 40 gallon or larger :)

If you are not able to upgrade, I would absolutely do no more than 8 cardinals and not stock anything else at all in the tank.
A 10g is actually a little small for even cardinals. I would not add more tetra species to this.

Upgrade to a 20 gallon is your best choice. If you want 2 different tetra species, go for a 40 gallon or larger :)

If you are not able to upgrade, I would absolutely do no more than 8 cardinals and not stock anything else at all in the tank.

Cardinals ideally need a 24" by 12" tank footprint, I have a 14.5g cube that they're not suitable for. A group of 8 would be the minimum in any size tank so 8 is a good figure.
Love to see species only tanks.
How many do you have now?
If you get more don't forget to quarantine
then before you add them with the others.
If you don't have another tank there are ways around that;)
Oh, and welcome ☆
I keep my tetras in a 55 gallon soft water tank, I would also suggest a 20 long like @NCaquatics stated. I have one and it is a good tank and easier to maintain than a tall tank. I would wait on rummy nose tetras until you have a larger tank and your tank is established (about 4-6 months) they are very sensitive to changes in water chemistry. Most tetras need more room because they need to be in shoals of at least 6-8 fish and better with more. They also need more horizontal room to swim than a 10 gallon provides.


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Get a 20 or larger for the cardinals.

Keep the 10 and get a shoal of ember tetras if you want some tetras in the 10.
Get a 20 or larger for the cardinals.

Keep the 10 and get a shoal of ember tetras if you want some tetras in the 10.
Agree, was thinking the very same. Then I started thinking about the Embers at my fish store, and that they have been there a while and are coloring up and probably healthy, and then I thought maybe I should get a new tank and then....well I just kind of shut down. Maybe I won't go get more java moss today, feeling a bit weak. MTS
I have a small shoal of ember tetras, I would wait for your tank to become established, they are another fish that can be a little sensitive to changes in water chemistry. I really like my embers they tend to stick together in their shoal more closely.
I have some cardinals and I am also interested to get other breeds such as rummy nose, lemon tetras.

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