Beginner fish!?

Sasha the breen

Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hassocks West Sussex England
my next door neighbourhas just got some fish for his cycled tank, but he has chosen too keep live bearers i want to keep them but i feel it would be copying him.So i was wondering what interesting and easy to keep fish are out their that are easy to keep and relatively hardy????
I'm quite new to this too. I've got some cory's, which are great, very active and easy to look after. I've also got some guppies, which are also quite hardy, and add lots of colour aswell.
By the way, my parents live just down the road in Hurstpierpoint, and my uncle lies in Hassocks. Small world.
One of the main considerations for beginner fish is your water chemistry and your tank set up. The kind of fish you have and the environment that you are easly able to provide go hand in hand.

Plz find out your water chemistry for us and we can help find fish that are easy and love your water. Need to find out your ph and hardness for sure. If you do not have test thingys then take a zip lock bag and bring some tap water out to your LFS.

Plz let us know the tank and equipment you have. If you don't have any yet we will be happy to make some suggestions.
Easiest way to keep a permanent list of tanks and fish is to add it to your sig.

Once you get the info on water chemistry and tank size, we'll be able to give you much better advice.

Fish I consider to be hardy beginner fish:
Most livebearers-- I suggest platies or guppies because molies and swordtails are harder to care for than the others and breeding takes more prodding.
Zebra Danios
Leopard Danios
tempestuousfury said:
Fish I consider to be hardy beginner fish:
Most livebearers-- I suggest platies or guppies because molies and swordtails are harder to care for than the others and breeding takes more prodding.
Zebra Danios
Leopard Danios
I'd add white clouds to that list. I can't believe they survived after what I put them through when I was a noob. Very hardy little guys.

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