Beginner Feedback


New Member
May 7, 2003
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Oshkosh, WI, US
Okay, bear with me as I'm completely new to the fish scene....but I want to make sure I do everything right!

I have a 26 gallon aquarium, with electric filter, air pump, fluorescent lighting, and currently at 76 degrees.

I have a PH Level of about 7.1, ammonia next to none, and I added my first fish today...

So far I have:

1 Australian Rainbowfish
2 Neon Tetras
1 Tetra of another type which I forgot

How does everything sound so far? What would you recommend that I add next?

Also, the rainbowfish seems to be spending a lot of time alone at the bottom of the tank. And when I fed the fish, it was the only one who didn't swim up to try and grab some flakes. Is there something wrong with that?

What would be good tankmates for these fish? I'd appreciate any responses!! :)

Rainbows are schoolers. Get 3 or 4 more and they'll all be happier. They're really good fish, won't bother anything.
Firstly HiYa and welcome Magitech :thumbs:

You didn't say how long your tank has been set-up and if its cycled yet or not ? :/

The three types of fish you listed are all schooling species and would be happiest in larger numbers :thumbs:

Also consider something for the bottom levels of the tank...

Good so far, just be careful with the ammonia. This should really read zero, not next to, but the fish you listed are pretty hardy.

With the neon tetras, I would have at least 8 of them. Tetras are shoaling fish and will display signs of aggression such as fin nipping or shyness if they are too few in numbers, so get half dozen more. They are also beautiful in a shoal

Do the same with the other tetra that you have (if you can describe it I might be able to identify it)
Thanks for all your replies!

>>You didn't say how long your tank has been set-up and if its cycled yet or not ?

I added the fish 48 hours after setting up the tank and letting it run, so I presume it has not yet cycled!

Since yesterday, my rainbowfish has perked up a bit, but I think i'll still follow your advice and get these fish some company. The rainbowfish I have is a large rainbowfish.... if I bring in companions for it would they also need to be of the large variety?

As far as my other tetra... he's about the same size as the neons. It has a top and bottom fin which is purple, black and orange from the outside to the inside. The fins are longer than the fins on the neons. It has an orange-pinkish tint on its tail...and the tail looks identical to the tail of the neon's, otherwise. Maybe that :)

My ammonia level was "next to zero" even before adding the fish...was that normal? I did use the aquasafe chloramine neutralizer in the tank immediately after filling it.

As far as the bottom dweller suggestion, what would make a nice addition? Something that would eat dropped flakes would be good too! I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks so much!

aquasafe doues not remove ammonia, only chlorine and chloramine. you will want to get something like amquel or ammo lock 2 to get rid of ammonia. and watch how many fish you add before the tank is fully cycled. I made that mistake and got a bad case of ich, lost over half my fish...It was a good learning experience albeit sad to see so many fish die. when i get my 55 I will do it right. I am going to let a freind hold the bulk of my fish in a 45 gallon tank. put my 3 danios and my albino shark in the new tank for cycling.

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