beginner desperately needing help with mollies!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2005
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I just bought a 10 gallon tank and am totally new to tropical fish keeping. After setting up I added stress coat, water conditioner, statazyme, and waited a few days before adding fish. I got 2 white/silver mollies and a snail and didn't realize that the mollies require somewhat special conditions (salt, high temp, spirulina). The person at Petsmart (AARGH!) told me they didn't require anythig special. After just a day!!!! they developed white spots on the fins. I did a 25% water change, removed the snail, and have been treating them with CureIck for 2 days now, but with no real change in those symptoms. After doing some reading on mollies, I corrected the salt (slowly added 3T total) and temperature to 80F.

Today they are a bit more active - yesterday they were totally still - but they still tend to sit right at the top near either the filter or the heater. The more infected one is less active. I'm worried that the ick medication isn't doing its job since the white spots are still there. How long do I keep treating? The bottle says only 3 days. Also, I don't know what any of my parameters are (nitrate, ammonia, etc.) because I don't have a test kit... could nitrite or ammonia be bothering them since the tank is new? How long can I wait to add the snail back in?

Just checked on the mollies - the white spots seem to be SPREADING on the tail fin of the larger, less active one.
somebody who knows what they are talking about might be able to tell you more than me...but I'm sure that I have read that mollies can develop white spots resembling ich if they are kept in freshwater and are in need of a salt bath, being slightly brackish fish.
Okay, thanks a lot. I'll just keep treating, keep the temp up and hope for the best.
Hi, whats the temp in your tank at the moment? you will need to raise it gradually to around 80. Salt will help to kill the ick but mollies do not require it, many mollies live happy without it :) What filter system do you have? you will need to remove the carbon (black pad usually) from it as it will remove the meds that you put in. I wouldn't neccessarily do a water change whilst treating as you'll be removing some of what you put in, having said that it is a new tank and you will need to get the Amm, NitrIte levels checked and if there is any Amm or nitrIte you will need to change some of the water.
Hope I helped :)
For help with Ich go to the forum on Cypranids...Mollies may like a bit of salt but do not need it. Get some tetra bactozym tabs if they have them in your area and your tank will be cycled in about five days. Not sure what your problem is but if you get rid of the ammonia(bactozym will do this in one to two days) then the fish have that much less to contend with.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I don't have a test kit yet but plan on getting the water tested tomorrow.
OK, thanks on the tablets, too!! I do suspect it was all caused initially by the cycling problem.

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