Beginner Breeding Accident


New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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One of the fish in my tank had "fry" or whatever. See, the thing is... I'm not sure which one had the feesh and if they were eggs first or ....... ahh!!

I have one orange platy that has been in the tank for the longest, and I kept thinking it was going to die because it kept hovering at the bottom.

Actually, now I'm pretty sure it was the platy because he's attacking the other fish that come near the babies.

I really need help as I don't have a holding tank (wasn't prepared!!) and I have another aquarium but it's not cycled yet.

Is there anything I can do?? Wasn't sure if I should post this in Beginner or Breeeding -- because it's both!

P.S. my tank is fairly new... I cycled it before also.

I FOUND AN EGG SACK NEAR MY FILTER!!! I just noticed it...can I do anything about it or do I have to wait until they hatch?

Other fish I have:

30 gallon tank
2 Orange and Black Mollies
2 Tetras (they have shaggy fins and they're really small, grey with a bit of orange)
2 Male Electric Blue Guppies
1 Orange Platy
1 Silver Molly
1 Chinese Algae Eater
1 Cory Catfish
1 Snail

The snail, catfish, algae eater and guppies are new as of today... my sweet sweet boyfriend brought them over as a gift (awwwwwe). So I guess that eliminates them.

I used to have 2 plecos but they both mysteriously died a week ago.
I used to have 2 orange platys but one died.
What does it look like? The fry i mean.

Its not the mollie cuz they would eat it, i thin k the same for platys.

The mollies and guppies and platys are out of the question for the egg sack, they are livebearers.

So i do belive you might have some tetra eggs.

I could be wrong though.

EDIT: Could be snails, not sure have they reproduce.
it looked neutral colours at first, i only rescued one and he is sitting at the top of my tank in a fish net because i had no fry holder thingy.

he looks orange now! but the thing is, i am not sure if the fry today were live or came from eggs, and if the sack is even related to today's batch.

what about plecos??? could it have been them?

couldn't have been snails as i just got it.

now the question is, can i move the egg sack or do i have to wait until they hatch?

The fry looks like a molly or a platy. Something orange
Tetras are egg scatterers so you wont find a egg sac. The baby is probably a Molly or Platy.
yes it is not Tetras eggs.

I think it's snail eggs.

How long have you had the snail and have you put some plants in you tank.
You may have got some extra snails in the plants.
It's not snail eggs as I just added the snail yesterday evening, after I noticed the fry. I found another fry this morning and rescued it. Still have no idea which one of the fish had babies because none looked pregnant.

I still think they're mollies or platys. Ah well, guess I'll wait and see!

How long do I have to keep the baby fish away from the big ones??
Until it's big enough not to fit in their mouths.

The eggs are most probably snail eggs - they hitched a ride on your plants.
the egg sack is probablt from the snail.
they can reproduce without another snail and they do i tvery quickly!
wether you added it yesterday or not.

the fry does sound to be molly or platy fry as the breed like rabbits.
most live bearers like guppies, platies, and mollies are usally pregnant when you take them home.

you better be careful though otherwise you'll be over run by snails and fry! :D
i have absolutely no idea about fry or anything but what kind of snail do u have? coz if it's an apple snail (ampullariidae) then it u won't end up with baby snails unless u have a male & a female: "In spite the fact that many snail species are hermaphrodite (being male and female at the same time) apple snails are definitely not hermaphroditic: they have separated sexes (gonochoristic) and a male and a female are needed for reproduction." ~ i don't know if the female would still lay eggs though. there's a good pic of one at that site too. good luck with ur babies!!
Nono, y'all don't understand.

I noticed the egg sack before I added the snail, and I didn't buy any plants.

The egg sack has been there for a while, I just thought it was a piece of fuzz or something at first -- didn't pay any attention to it. How long should I wait before scooping it out -- what if they never hatch? I imagine the eggs have been there for close to two weeks probably!
Are you sure it's an egg sack? When I was a noob I saw some rotting food that had mold or something covering it and I thought it was an eggsack :*)
Snails are tricky little might have a smaller snail (or snails) in the tank already that laid the egg sack. If you've ever purchased a fish that had snails in the tank with them, it's very possible a snail hitched a ride with him. :D

It doesn't sound like any of your other fish could have produced the egg sack.

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