Beginner Betta Questions


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
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I am almost sure, from reading around on the forums for a couple of days, that some types/genders of bettas get along well. I was wondering what someone would reccomend for a 20 gallon tank(i think, i'm getting it friday, could be 30)
Which breeds can live together, which cant?
Any general information you would think i would find necessary :)
=) Male and female Betta Splendens can NOT be kept together, except for a 24-48 hour period while spawning. They shred each other up when kept together, even during spawning. Other species, which are much rarer, like Betta Imbellis, can peacefully be kept with males-females in a large tank. With Splendens, females can live peacefully... 4-10 girls can be kept happily in a 20g, it'd be ideal to find females from breeders that have lived happily in a female community setting or females that are siblings.
And can any other species live in the same tank? I read on here that some people have barbs in their betta tanks?
Barbs arn't such a great idea,
Something like corries or dwarf african frogs (not clawed) are your best bet.
ive got myself a beautiful corner tank which i know have my betta and 2 ADFs (african dwarf frogs, check for webbing between toes) in at the moment. as they are new, they are under quarantine, but i plan to move my other two adfs in there to complete that tank :) they get on really really well though and come highly recommended as tank mates.

what are opinions on dwarf gouramis, neon tetras (i believe they may kill the betta???) and zebra danios (short fin) though?

I love my betta adf tank though :)

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