Beginer Advice Please!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all

I'm really interested in starting a nano planted shrimp tank. Perhaps between 20-30l.
What Is the best tank to use for this or is there a complete set up I can buy. It has to
be as cheap as possible lol. Also where can I find all the info I need for this for setting
up the planted tank and shrimp care etc

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks
What you want is an acrylic tank probably cheapest off ebay. You need a light for the plants to grow popular plants being mosses and anacharis. I had mine set up with a moss wall made out of christmas tree moss if you want to know how to do that look back through my threads. The shrimp you want are probably a mix of red cherry shrimp and harlequin shrimp. the tank needs to be a very stable biosphere however due to the low waste of shrimp it is possible to pack it with enough plants to not need a filtration system however a small flow created by something like an airpump would still be recommended.
i would start with an aqua one 320
or something like that the only
thing you would have to do is ditch
the under gravel filter and go for a small internal
filter if you get on as a starter kit
the just a bout come with all that you need
to get started but that's only my opinion
Hi guys,

Sorry I forgot about this thread lol. I have already bought a shrimp set up. It's the dennerle 30l nano cube complete plus. Comes with everything I need to get started and it looks nice too lol

Thanks guys


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