Fish Addict
Okay, I have mostly everything I'm going to have in my tank in my tank right now except for the Blood parrot Cichlids. I have:
8 Corries
8 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Glo-Lite Tetras
2 Lyretail Mollies
2 Pearl Gouramies
1 Wagtail Platy (Want More)
Alright, so before I get my Blood Parrots, I want to make sure this is a right choice of fish to get. I made certain that these fish weren't died or in any way mutilated. (besides the fact of being a hybrid.) So all that stuff is good. But I'm worried about the other fish I have in my tank. I don't want the Blood Parrots to attack them, or stress them out in anyway. I just had to deal with a female krib that way ripping my glo-lite tetras and corries to shreads. I had to take her back. And I don't want that to happen to the Blood parrots. So will the Blood parrots is any way chase the other fish away from them, nip at the fins and/or eat the fish? Also, can I get 2 BP's for my tank? My LFS has two and if I could get two I would love it. Thanks!
P.S.- Tank is 55 gallons....700 g/p/h being filtered
8 Corries
8 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Glo-Lite Tetras
2 Lyretail Mollies
2 Pearl Gouramies
1 Wagtail Platy (Want More)
Alright, so before I get my Blood Parrots, I want to make sure this is a right choice of fish to get. I made certain that these fish weren't died or in any way mutilated. (besides the fact of being a hybrid.) So all that stuff is good. But I'm worried about the other fish I have in my tank. I don't want the Blood Parrots to attack them, or stress them out in anyway. I just had to deal with a female krib that way ripping my glo-lite tetras and corries to shreads. I had to take her back. And I don't want that to happen to the Blood parrots. So will the Blood parrots is any way chase the other fish away from them, nip at the fins and/or eat the fish? Also, can I get 2 BP's for my tank? My LFS has two and if I could get two I would love it. Thanks!
P.S.- Tank is 55 gallons....700 g/p/h being filtered