Before I get my Blood Parrot Cichlids


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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Wisconsin, USA
Okay, I have mostly everything I'm going to have in my tank in my tank right now except for the Blood parrot Cichlids. I have:
8 Corries
8 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Glo-Lite Tetras
2 Lyretail Mollies
2 Pearl Gouramies
1 Wagtail Platy (Want More)

Alright, so before I get my Blood Parrots, I want to make sure this is a right choice of fish to get. I made certain that these fish weren't died or in any way mutilated. (besides the fact of being a hybrid.) So all that stuff is good. But I'm worried about the other fish I have in my tank. I don't want the Blood Parrots to attack them, or stress them out in anyway. I just had to deal with a female krib that way ripping my glo-lite tetras and corries to shreads. I had to take her back. And I don't want that to happen to the Blood parrots. So will the Blood parrots is any way chase the other fish away from them, nip at the fins and/or eat the fish? Also, can I get 2 BP's for my tank? My LFS has two and if I could get two I would love it. Thanks!
P.S.- Tank is 55 gallons....700 g/p/h being filtered
Never Mind, Guys...I've decided not to get BP's all together. I don't want to take that risk.
I think I'll just answer your questions JUST IN CASE ;) :p

I don't think the Parrots would "nip" at others more like chase a bit. They are cichlids after all. They need places to hid which helps them a lot. My baby parrot chases my Pearl gourami and my Gold Angel around, but has never actually nipped at their fins and my larger one will nudge just about anything it can, but never hurts anyone either. Neither one has ever bothered any of my corys and feel very unthreatened by most bottom feeders as if they know that they are peacefull and good :wub:

They have more character than any other community fish I've kept. They are like little dogs!! :wub:

They eat normal flake food and an average PH is fine. Mine have lived with a PH of 8.0 for a long time now, but I recently put a little piece of bogwood in to lower it a tad ;)

One more thing I would suggest is to get them as young as possible, babies preferably. You may even see how timid and scared the parrots would actually be at first!! :nod:

HTH, if you need it! :*)
Never Mind, Guys...I've decided not to get BP's all together. I don't want to take that risk.

Good choice. The less people buy parrot fish then the less get made and if they stop selling they may stop making them alltogether.

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