i agree! this is a great idea for a topic!
heres my reef setup in a rio 180 from early march 2010:
and from around may 2010:
then in august 2010:
september 2010:
december 2010:
last week:
my fish only/coral frag tank also changed a lot throughout last year. started out as a coral frag grow on tank, but then went to a fish only with live rock setup after my horrible break in in septmeber. my original 5ft fish only tank was smashed in the robbery and the fish were rescued and put in the coral tank.
there was a lionfish, red toothed trigger, large black and white clown, pyjama cardinal and a lovely black angel.
the angel died from stress after a week, and the clown jumped out of the new tank
so, as the remaining fish were all large i bought 2 volitan lions (my fave fish ever) and they were all happy. for a while. i had a ridiculously bad outbreak of whitespot in the tank and lost EVERYTHING!!!
i was so so angry.
anyways, im waffling now, i then left the tank for 8 weeks with the LR and filters etc still running and then added new fish.
so as it stands the tank now houses 3 green chromis and a coral beauty.
heres the pics from last year
new tank. custom size, i have 3 of them in a rack. 40inches long x 24 inches front to back and 15 inches high:
i dont have any pics of the coral setup, just after the robbery
so, this is september:
end of september:
october 2010:
october 2010:
then the whitespot happened
killed every fish in the tank, so i left it for 8 weeks, after doing 70% water change. then did as ive written about above
this is the tank now:
you cant see the fish lol, but they are there.
i have sooooo much cheato and caulerpa its silly.
actually cleaned it out yesterday and managed to fill up a huge container full of cheato, but didnt have the heart to throw it away so i put it back in the tank.
its right at the back between rocks and glass, like a whole back wall cheato carpet thing lol
if anyone wants any, let me know
so, there are my tanks over the last year.