Been Playing With The New Camera


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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been playing with shutter speed and iso to try and get better pics . little sods sat right at the back of the tank tho so i had to zoom right in on them , meaning i was forced to use a smaller aperture than id like to , seems im finding the limits of the kit lens. going to have to invest in a faster lens asap . with the limited light available from a single tube i had to crank the iso right up to 3200 to get anywhere near a respectable shutter speed , as im shooting all these without flash . heres some of the more usable shots .




I know when i took my pics i had to use a reasonably high ISO, and i used the continuos mode on the camera holding it by hand, some say tripod but thats so hard when they are constantly in action! Id love a macro lense both for getting real close us of the fish but also out and about!

What camera are yo using? Took some of my fish which are in the forum some came out good but others didnt, landscapes are my favourite and macro but thats hard when i have to keep borrowing my moms haha. Gonna have to fine tune my shooting methods and get comfortable with the settings as i wouldnt say my pics are the best with alot of room for improvement

Judging yours though you are coming to grips very fast they look ace! especially like you say having to zoom in!
thanks . im using a canon eos 500d , these were shot in "tv" mode aka shutter priority. they were shot at 1/20 shutter speed f 5.4 ( widest this lens gos at full zoom) and iso at 3200. the trouble with the shutter speed that high at such a small aperture is the pics come out dark. cranking the iso up to 3200 makes the sensor more sensitive to light and therefore compensates. if you look on page 2 on my other thread titled new camera kaivalagi posted some great links for hints and tips. the top 2 links have some excellent tutorials , which really helped me to understand how shutterspeed and aperture effect each other .before i read those it was all gravy to me but they explained it in a way that makes sense .
thanks . im using a canon eos 500d , these were shot in "tv" mode aka shutter priority. they were shot at 1/20 shutter speed f 5.4 ( widest this lens gos at full zoom) and iso at 3200. the trouble with the shutter speed that high at such a small aperture is the pics come out dark. cranking the iso up to 3200 makes the sensor more sensitive to light and therefore compensates. if you look on page 2 on my other thread titled new camera kaivalagi posted some great links for hints and tips. the top 2 links have some excellent tutorials , which really helped me to understand how shutterspeed and aperture effect each other .before i read those it was all gravy to me but they explained it in a way that makes sense .

I shall check it out and have a read :- Canons have really good write ups and was a toss between them and mine. My moms always been nikon so i ended up getting a D300s so i could steal her lenses (Got the camera but cant afford the lenses so i had method in my madness haha) although i cant wait to get my hands on her new toy the D700 and see what that can do that mine cant. Not much i bet apart from it a full frame which in this case wont make much difference and then you have to have the lenses! I wish her luck on that one as im sure that will boost the price up!

Going off the subject but id love to go to an F1 race to get some shots but then id have to rent the big lenses! I think the F1 photographers use cannons with their ultra ginormous ultra expensive lenses lol must b nice!
2 reasons i went for canon. every canon ive ever used has taken great pics , plus my dad has 2 canon bodies , a 450d and a 40d so next time i go visit him i can borrow his macro lens . hes also got 1 of those horribly expensive big grey telephoto lenses , but i cant see him letting me get my grubby paws on it :lol:
good pics mate the oscars are coming on

are those pictures altered though with photoshop or something :D
2 reasons i went for canon. every canon ive ever used has taken great pics , plus my dad has 2 canon bodies , a 450d and a 40d so next time i go visit him i can borrow his macro lens . hes also got 1 of those horribly expensive big grey telephoto lenses , but i cant see him letting me get my grubby paws on it :lol:

do some chores and such up and th lense will be yours haha i think when it comes to things and hobbys like this your sort of born into the makes etc if my mom hadnt had nikon and nikon gear id of researched and had the options of other makes but because im tight im like ill buy the same make and borrow her stuff haha plus i dont see the use in doubling up having the same lenses lol thats my excuse when i dont buy lenses and she says why dont you save and buy your own lol.

good pics mate the oscars are coming on

are those pictures altered though with photoshop or something :D

that answers my question they are oscars !
i see what youre saying , my dad has always used canon so i guess its a natural progression . its not as easy for me to borrow lenses tho cos my dad live about 150 miles away lol.
i see what youre saying , my dad has always used canon so i guess its a natural progression . its not as easy for me to borrow lenses tho cos my dad live about 150 miles away lol.

150miles if you get a lend of that lense and dont stop until you get home haha. It does seem a progression mine was peer pressure off my mom i was looking at all the options and she was like no nikon and i was looking at what other photographers use such as the F1 etc. The good thing is they all do the same thing and are equally matched on quality just a shame on the price! but like any hobby i guess its going to be costly for something decent. And technology in generally is just darn expensive lol that little apply logo has taken it out of me haha

In these pictures, however, you can see the black edge in the lutino color. Couldn't see that in the picture in your sig. :good: They look great.
when i did the pics for the sig i had only just got them and the black was not as pronounced as it is now . also when walkers made the sig for me i think he had to black out the background , as if i remember rightly the pic in the photo used the fish were in front of a filter intake .
yep there was deffinatelty a filter intake removed / blacked out. heres the original pic walkers used for the sig

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