Been Out Of The Fish World For Year And A Half


Feb 28, 2006
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Amarillo, Tx
Well im looking to start back up here in few weeks when i start my new job that will allow me more time. Here is what I got and need info on where to go from here
20g long 30", 2x65w, glass top, small UV, and cascade 1000 filter. I am wanting to try saltwater for sure. I did planted tanks for over a year and loved it, but would like to try the next step. Info I am needing is.....

what to fill the Cascade 1000 with for best filtration
Cycling the tank properly on saltwater and how much salt per month to expect for a 20g
What fish to start with in a tank this size
How much live rock to buy and when to put in after cycling tank.


p.s. Will the 2x65w be enough on the 20g long?

Well im looking to start back up here in few weeks when i start my new job that will allow me more time. Here is what I got and need info on where to go from here
20g long 30", 2x65w, glass top, small UV, and cascade 1000 filter. I am wanting to try saltwater for sure. I did planted tanks for over a year and loved it, but would like to try the next step. Info I am needing is.....

what to fill the Cascade 1000 with for best filtration
Cycling the tank properly on saltwater and how much salt per month to expect for a 20g
What fish to start with in a tank this size
How much live rock to buy and when to put in after cycling tank.


p.s. Will the 2x65w be enough on the 20g long?

Also, I am a huge puffer fan, is there a puffer that would be good for live rock tank or are they out of the question?
Your best bet with a puffer on that size tank is a Valentini puffer. USUALLY they're ok with crabs and snails. Shrimp are a little more dicey, sometimes they won't bother them, and sometimes it'll be an expensive dinner for the puffer. They are however OK with corals which it sounds like you want to get into.

Usually you want to go with 1-1.5lbs of LR per gallon of tank volume. So you'd be lookin at say 20-30lbs of rock with that tank. Your options are to go to your LFS which is usually costly but the rock is pretty well cured, or to go with an online supplier which is usually cheaper and less cured. Often times though you get the most life out of the uncured stuff as backwards as that sounds. If you want the best stuff money can buy, call up Long story short, they aquaculture their own rock behind reefs in the Keys and since they culture it are not bound by the exceptionally strict CITES and USFW regulations on importing LR. They also ship the rock IN water which means you get the best of both worlds, well cured rock that has tons of life on it... You pay for that though ;). If you do go online, prolly has the best bang for your buck approach out there. Good rock and quite affordable.

A 20 long is a great starter tank in a whole bunch of aspects. Its especially nice to have a shallow tank (top to bottom) which means a fixture like 2x65watt PCs will do just fine. Have you considered what corals you're going to look into? If you're staying simple softies you can prolly get away without a skimmer, but if you want to go crazy with hard corals I'd look into a skimmer and also look into getting yourself a sump setup, you won't regret it.

Other than that, read a lot, as there is a TON to learn on this side of the hobby :). And one last thing to mention, LR cycles the tank for you as it comes with bacteria already on it. Often times if cured rock is purchased locally (or from TBSW) you will barely see any ammonia production at all as the bacteria are well established. Uncured rock you'll prolly wait ~1 week for the cycle to complete. Its basically like cloning a freshwater filter.

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