Been Naughty, Number 13


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND

Named him Sephiroth obviously. Though he has a slight problem, his gills seem to puff out and him mouth is always slightly ajar. First off, he was the one that caught my eye, but then I noticed his gil problem. I begged my dad, and he bought him. What should I do for him? Stupid WalMart...
Bettafix and salt until somebody else can suggest something better and you can get it.
Your welcome. Just use bettafix and salt till someone else can suggest a medicine that is meant to treat what ever it is. ;)

I hate to say it, but I disaprove.
Don't you dare become a horder, cause I know where you live. :shifty:
With the guidence of people on here I will be forced to...'rescue' your rescued bettas

Just kidding. :thumbs:
You do need to stop buying bettas though, you have that spawn coming up now...I'm sure they'll be more than a few in your spawn you'll want to keep.... :)
Hey, this year only has... 21 or so days left :p Thats cheating :p His problem might be something he'll always have, I know breeders often get fry with funny gills coming out of the spawns.
Is there anything else I can do for him? He acts normal, flares at the other bettas, swims around in his 1/2 gallon (the 2 gallon I got him cracked and I couldn't fix it. I have to get a new one, don't worry, the most he'll be in that 2 gallon will be 2 months tops). The thing that creeeps me out is his mouth is slightly ajar.

Yes, I know I said number 12 would be the last betta for the year, but then I saw this guy, and how his mouth was, and I had to buy him.
Maybe you should start avoiding the betta shelf altogether? I know how our walmart is set-up funny, so its hard not too....but, you can do it!
Ya, but when I go to WalMart, the only section I go to is the fish section, I check up on the fish. Make sure they are in proper living conditions.
You shouldn't.
Not much you can do, that walmarts manager is very stubborn.
I think you already know that, so you can't do much by just checking up on them!
Oh yes I can, I've made one of the employees there embarressed out of their mind! It was quite funny, but it fixed a few things.
Everytime I've been there there's this older lady working the fish section....She's in her 50's and doesn't know a single thing about fishkeeping...I had to tell her which swordie was a male, and which was a female! :X

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