Been Given Some Catfish


New Member
May 21, 2007
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this one

he is mad,lol,beautiful,but tries to leap out of the tank :shout:

and 2 of these,small and silvery with beautiful spot pattern

i dont even know what they eat,just want to do the best for them
any advice please

oops these

The first pics look like one of the Mystus family but not sure which one.
The bottom picture looks like a Pictus catfish. They grow to about 6"-7" and are extremely active. They prefer to be kept in groups of at least 3 and like to have hiding places. A 4ft tank minimum would be an ideal size as they like the space to swim around. We feed ours on catfish pellets, bloodworm, brine shrimp etc.
thankyou :good: ,just been on the link and that is what it looks like,its about 5-6 inches,the others are a lot smaller at the moment,i have 2,from whats been said about how big they will grow i am going to have to get a bigger tank,the one i have is only 3ft,thankyou again,now i know what they are i will read up on them,not ideal i know,i usually read up first :rolleyes:
The one in the last pic looks like some type of cory, corys are sociable fish and do best in groups of their own kind of at least 3-4 or more, sand substrate is the most ideal substrate for these fish, but small rounded gravel is acceptable.
The last one is defiantly a pim pictus, not a cory...

Ah i see you are right, it does still look rather similar to certain types of cory though, like this one;

Maybe to a non catfish person :p

First one is definately some kind of Synodontis, but without clear photos taken from all angles a species level identification is near impossible from those pictures.

Second is a Pimelodus pictus.
The last one is defiantly a pim pictus, not a cory...

Ah i see you are right, it does still look rather similar to certain types of cory though, like this one;

Even if the pictures did look similar, (which they dont really) i would be much more certain of it being a pim pictus than a C007, as if i saw a C007 in a lfs then i would be very suprised, as i am pretty sure that they certainly arent your average corydoras catfish, whereas seeing a pim pictus in a lfs is much more likely.
CATFISH PELLETTS N MAYBE THE ODD PLECO WAFER. GIVE THEM BLOODWORM ASWELL SO THEYVE GOT SUM LIVE FOOD IN THEIR DIET. all u ever need 2 do is ask at your LFS. theyre very helpful and enjoy telling u about them n getting u 2 buy the correct food from their shop lol good luck :good:
thankyou :good: ,just been on the link and that is what it looks like,its about 5-6 inches,the others are a lot smaller at the moment,i have 2,from whats been said about how big they will grow i am going to have to get a bigger tank,the one i have is only 3ft,thankyou again,now i know what they are i will read up on them,not ideal i know,i usually read up first :rolleyes:
No problem.
We never saw ours a great deal, hid all day and came out to play at night! Very playful, like the Pictus but never had any problems with aggression. If you provide plenty of caves and hiding places then they should be fine! :good:

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