Bee Shrimp Advice

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Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
I have been wanting some shrimp for my 60l for a while now, originally was thinking Cherries but i am really liking the Bee shrimp (Red crystal & Blacks)

Am i right in thinking that if i was to mix them they would interbreed?

The residents are 3 Betta Falx (very peaceful) 13 Pygmy Cory and a Bulldog Plec.

The tank has plenty of plants (loads of mosses) some wood and rocks, heated at 24 and i use a sponge filter :good:
I would nor have any betta's in my shrimp tanks, seen them eat shimp to many times.

and yes theycan cross together
I have been wanting some shrimp for my 60l for a while now, originally was thinking Cherries but i am really liking the Bee shrimp (Red crystal & Blacks)

Am i right in thinking that if i was to mix them they would interbreed?

The residents are 3 Betta Falx (very peaceful) 13 Pygmy Cory and a Bulldog Plec.

The tank has plenty of plants (loads of mosses) some wood and rocks, heated at 24 and i use a sponge filter :good:

Yup they will interbreed.

I have bee shrimp (and cherry shrimp) in with my betta.

I've not managed to get mine to breed yet - not even signs of eggs so I couldn't help with that. I did join a specialised shrimp forum and got the most useful advice ever of "just give it time" ARGH. My question was what conditions do they need; I need the conditions right before "giving them time" (Rant over). I did also ask on here but I don't think I got a response - so if you find out would you let me know please :)
i have kept these with Amanos before with no problem, they tend to keep themselves to themselves and dispite there being 2 males, no fighting occurs.

I could always move them over to 1 of my fry tanks if they did munch any :good:
I hate to say it, but I would throw a few cherries into the tank first and see how it goes, depending on the price of shrimp in your area. Amanos are larger, so a betta may be more likely to leave them alone. Crystal reds/bees are generally much more expensive than cherries, so it would be pretty awful IMO to spend $10+ a shrimp just to have them end up as food for your betta. Also keep in mind that if your betta leaves adult-sized cherries or CRS/bees alone, he still likely won't leave the babies because they are so small - perfectly snack sized - for a betta. So I'd say that it would be unlikely for you to successfully breed them.
I foolishly tried Cherries with my Betta, and they got eaten, the poor things. He has been fine with my Amanos as they are big guys with tough skins, and much more intelligent than him anyway :lol:

I wouldn't advise Bettas and shrimp though. Shame as tank size wise they'd be good tank mates.
Thanks guys, i might try Cherries and if they do ok move them to my 30 gal and get some bee/red crystals for the 15gal :good:
I have been wanting some shrimp for my 60l for a while now, originally was thinking Cherries but i am really liking the Bee shrimp (Red crystal & Blacks)

Am i right in thinking that if i was to mix them they would interbreed?

The residents are 3 Betta Falx (very peaceful) 13 Pygmy Cory and a Bulldog Plec.

The tank has plenty of plants (loads of mosses) some wood and rocks, heated at 24 and i use a sponge filter :good:

Yup they will interbreed.

I have bee shrimp (and cherry shrimp) in with my betta.

I've not managed to get mine to breed yet - not even signs of eggs so I couldn't help with that. I did join a specialised shrimp forum and got the most useful advice ever of "just give it time" ARGH. My question was what conditions do they need; I need the conditions right before "giving them time" (Rant over). I did also ask on here but I don't think I got a response - so if you find out would you let me know please :)

Bee shrimp prefer pH of around 7.0. I have Crystal Red's and Golden Bee and they are breeding. It hasn't taken too long, just about 3 months and 4 out of 15 of my Crystal Red females has eggs. I also have Yellow Sakura shrimp in the same tank and the babies have just hatched. My temp is at 74F and I feed them Hikari Crab Cuisine and the occasional blanched zucchini. I got the pH down from 7.7 to 7.0 using Fluval Shrimp Substrate. I also have a Cherry shrimp tank with the exact conditions and I think every female has eggs at the moment....not exaggerating!
Congrats, dipsydoodlenoodle! And good luck lilfishie, I think the cherries are precious, personally. Until now, I'd never even heard of a bee shrimp :lol:

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