Beautiful New Betta!

corpse fish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2005
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Well I was at Petco today, and decided to look at the bettas. I finally found this absolutly stunning one in the back,:drool: a red one with white ends and on the ends of the white on his tail is a bit of black, sort of looking like the burnt effect. The patterns of white form with his tail to look just like a flame, therefore i gave him the name Flame :) I'm keeping him in a small betta keeper for now along with a little piece of plant from my mollies tank. No pictures yet, but I may have some by Friday. One quick question though, does he need dechlorinated water? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but I'm just making sure. I don't know much about them, but I'm going to try and find a really pretty female so I could breed them someday and keep his beautiful color going :wub:
I'd get him a different tank. IMO betta keepers are way to small for an adult betta. He does need dechlorinated water, just like any fish. If you haven't got dechlorinator and you know your water does not contain chloramine it would probably be sufficient enough to just leave it in a bucket for a few days to dechlorinate itself.
You got him at Petco, he's probably a VT. Don't breed him, there are too many of these bettas who die on petstore shelves. Another thing to consider with a VT with unknown heritage is that he could be a mutt and by breeding him you could get a variety of offspring and it's just as possible that none would look like him, no matter how beautiful he is.
Petco has nice (although alittle expansive) 2G "Glass Goldfish Bowls" that i've found work perfect for a betta. Or you can buy the little more expansive 2.5G :thumbs:
I'd get him a different tank. IMO betta keepers are way to small for an adult betta. He does need dechlorinated water, just like any fish. If you haven't got dechlorinator and you know your water does not contain chloramine it would probably be sufficient enough to just leave it in a bucket for a few days to dechlorinate itself.
You got him at Petco, he's probably a VT. Don't breed him, there are too many of these bettas who die on petstore shelves. Another thing to consider with a VT with unknown heritage is that he could be a mutt and by breeding him you could get a variety of offspring and it's just as possible that none would look like him, no matter how beautiful he is.

Thanks for the info nino! like I said i don't know much about them, so all the info helps. I'm keeping him in a betta keeper only temporairly, just until I go back to the pet store in a few days. I have dechlorinator, so I should be set with that, and what does VT stand for? not too bright on the types of bettas out there :/

Petco has nice (although alittle expansive) 2G "Glass Goldfish Bowls" that i've found work perfect for a betta. Or you can buy the little more expansive 2.5G :thumbs:

Would they be able to live in a 1 gallon? I mean I'll get him a bigger one if he needs it but I just saw some really nice 1 gallons for bettas.
3/4's of my bettas are in 1 gallons and they are all doing wonderfully.
Just make sure to keep up on the water changes, every 5-7 days.
You could put him in a 1 gallon, but think of locking yourself in a tiny room for the rest of your life. I'm sure he'd appreciate something bigger but he would do ok in a 1 gallon, though that means more water changes like 2-3x a week.

There are a bunch of p inned topics at the top of this forum about bettas, check them out. You will learn a lot.

Oh yah, VT means veiltail. It is a type of finnage. I think there's also a pinned topic on that ;)

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