Beat Up Catfish


New Member
Nov 6, 2005
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in my 30 gallon tank i have a 3" king bagrid, a few minutes ago i realized that its tall dorsal fin was chewed up and had a few scrapes in his side, the scrapes are probally from when he darts around the tank quickly after getting spooked, but what do you think chewed up his fin?
heres a list of the other fish i got in my tank:
2" killifish(very peaceful)
1" killifish(was beating up fish in the store but seems to be ok in my tank)
1 1/2" festivum cichlid(peaceful)
2" turquoise rainbow(i just got him so im not sure, seems peaceful)
4" royal farlowella catfish(peaceful)
1 1/2" porthole catfish(peaceful)
1 1/2" armoured catfish(peaceful)
1 1/2" loach(its very small and thin and hasnt really seemed to be mean)
2 1/2" Vietnameese blenny(just sits and hides in his cave, never seen him come out)
1" dwarf cichlid(it looks like a kribensis and is peaceful)

also, do you think i should get rid of the catfish? i know he can get 7" and is predatory, but his mouth is way to small to eat any of my fish
Prime suspects are the Cichlids. Catfish often don't do well with Cichlids as they have no understanding or respect of territories, the catfish just swims wherever it likes in the tank and the Cichlids get angry and bite the catfish because it keeps swimming through their patch of the tank, my money would personally be on the Kribensis being the aggressor but the festivum is just as capable.

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