Bearded Dragon


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
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Here's some pics of my bearded dragon...funny-looking lizard :rolleyes:



I especially like the last one.

How old is he?

I do too. :) I love how he opens his mouth when he basks (although he hasn't been doing it much lately).
He's 3 or 4 years old.

I also have a really funny video of him...I'll see if I can post it sometime
i have 2 1.5 year old beardeds and they have laid eggs woo :D
i like your ones colours :p
here are mine.
lizzy on top, ozzy under, that is there size to my hand.
Wow that third photo is fantastic ! :good: If you get a mod to move the thread over to the pet section, I'll nominate it for POTM :hey:
thanks for the comments :D and nice beardies, Kubora!

I looked around and found some pics of when he was much younger:




thanks mate :)
your poics remind me alot of my own when they were smaller, the female was always so thin and barely ate, then she became very fat ( pregnant ) they have alot of character dont they :p
in the summer i put them in my garden in a guineapig run!! its funny they love to bask in the sun. good time to take some pics :p
I've never taken my bd outside before. Maybe I will this summer B) .

By the way, kubora, have any of your bearded dragons gotten skin problems of any kind? My dragon has been getting really bad dead skin build-up near the base of his tail. It's really gross - the dead skin which should have come off, stays on and eventually builds up in layers. It is getting worse and looks terrible. :no:

Here are some pics i got today: (sorry their kinda blurry)


Try giving him a bath in luck warm water. This should loosen the dry skin. you can't force them to go in though it is their choice.
no sorry, ive had no problems with my dragons besides the female used to not eat and didnt grow but i remedied that by removing alot of the decor and getting her out more, shes fine now, but if ididnt do that she may well have died, do you spray your dragons with water ? mine dont drink fro mthe bowl only through spray. also if they are shedding spray them all over it helps them shed easier :)
I just bought some "shed-aid" stuff. I've sprayed a little on his tail. Hopefully it will work.

As for giving him a bath, I'll try it sometime. I've done it a long time ago because he got poo all over himself :sick: ! but not recently
Bearded dragons actually shed easier when completely dry. But since the problem has already gotten to this stage I would recommend giving him a nice lukewarm bath, many people bathe their beardies weekly simply because the animals usually enjoy it and have a good splash about!

The longer the skin stays on his tail and the more layers build up the more constricted his tail will get, he will lose blood supply to the affected part and he may be in some pain. Act now and get the skin off in the bath before your beardie loses part of his tail :(

P.S: He is incredibly cute and beautiful!!!
As already said beardies should be kept dry when shedding and unlike snakes Beardies shed bit by bit over a period of time and not all in one go like snakes

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