Beanie Boxes ?

I've had some from there but beware, they weren't packed with cardboard separators as stated and I had a few cracked or smashed in mine. Paid extra for insurance so they offered to replace but you have to send the damaged ones back in original packaging and pay for the post yourself! The 14 I had to send back set me back over £8 but I managed to get that refunded as they didn't pack as stated in the auction. Always pays to read the small print :hey:

The replacements came packed in tons of bubblewrap and perfect so got there in the end and will need to order more from them.
Beanie Babies are evil... I had one in my room because my sister tried hitting me with it, and then at night I found it trying to eat my betta... :lol: , what a wonderful imagination I have. But my 11 year old sister does hit me with them. Shes the devil! :devil:

-Arrowhead :D
:dunno: I think beanie boxes are waaay overrated. They make good pico planted tanks, but for betta fry you might as well just use cut off 2l bottles. 17/18p each, including 2l of drinks free with every bottle- bargain :lol: Or use tupperwarey containers, you can get 1.5g ones for £1.50 ish.
Actually I don't like them, but for a breeder they are space savers I suppose, I'd sooner have a proper tank and water filtration than have the fish sitting in stale water.

I actually just collected three perspex tanks today (including perspex fitted lids) which I bought off Ebay, all really good sizes as well, the biggest is about 16 x 8 x 8 inches and then they go down in size by another 2 inches. Great space savers cause they all sit inside each other as well until I need them.

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