Now if you dont use thoes lids off the bennie boxes.....
5 lids........
A tube of silicone sealant.............AND HEY PRESTO
They float so can be used for first jarring tank photographing fish its half the size of the beannie box so not for keeping fish in too long just that first jarring or find you own uses.......The opening is on the paper but can put another lid on top to stop fish jumping,or maybe a plant holders to hold plnts in the tank so dont need gravel
5 lids........
A tube of silicone sealant.............AND HEY PRESTO
They float so can be used for first jarring tank photographing fish its half the size of the beannie box so not for keeping fish in too long just that first jarring or find you own uses.......The opening is on the paper but can put another lid on top to stop fish jumping,or maybe a plant holders to hold plnts in the tank so dont need gravel