Bbc Planet Earth


New Member
Feb 24, 2006
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Surrey, UK
Great show, with focus on freshwater this week.

Some lovely shots of Lake Malawi and its many Cichlids (pronounced "Sick-Lids" by Sir David which surprised me - I thought they were "Chitch-Lids"). Also some great footage of the Amazon etc. with Piranhas feeding (on poor little tetras by the looks of things!)

Anyone else see this?
OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :D :D :D :rolleyes:

You have to admit you'd love to freefall down that 1000 meter drop!!! Would be so awesome!!!

I think all the fish looked great n cute, interestin invertibrates with the fan type thingis on their feet

Sheesh did the otters look cute!!! lol :blink:

N the baby bears lookd kinda adorable aswell. :rolleyes:

Mums a vege n i wonder y she doesnt like watchin it :huh: lol i love seein animals killin animals instead of humans killin each other. . .
They had great footage of lovely things like

Crocodiles eatin wildybeast. . .

Speckled salamanders eatin birds. . .

Freshwater seals eatin fish. . .

Bears eatin salmon. . .

And of course fish eatin fish. . .

If people don't watch it they really should!!!!!!!! it is absoloutely fascinating!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Quite good description of that episode i think. . . . Can't wait to see the next. . . .

- Enthusiast - B)
my mum came dashing through to tell me about the lake malawi part and i caught the last 4 mins.

as a malawi cichlid keeper i can tell ya it really was ace!!

never seen there natural habitat or anything on them.

even saw one of the cichlids ive been yet to ID. shame they didnt do it for me lol.

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