Battle of the filters

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Jan 26, 2005
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australia sydney
Hey guys i have a 58g tank which will be having about 10-12 cichlids in there.
I am having some dificulties picking a filter, LFS are messing around with my head :flex:
I am trying to pick between 3 filters

1. Aquaone cf-1200 $130 all prices are australia dollar

2.Fluval 404 $220

3.Ehiem 2217 $205

Which one??? :look:
I can't speak for the Eheim or the Aquaone filter but I do have 2 Fluval 304s on my 75 gallon and they work great. They are also dead silent. If it weren't for seeing the plants swaying in the current, you would think they weren't running.
The Eheim Classic is phenomenal - high quality, completely silent, and will easily last you as long as you own fish if you maintain it. Unfortunately it's simple design is meant for effectiveness, not easy cleaning. The Fluval works very well but the quality is not even close to the Eheim. It is, however, easier to clean and has a higher water flow that ends up a bit better for mechanical filtration. I'm unfamiliar with the Aquaone, but it looks like an Eheim knockoff. I'm sure it works just fine.
I run Ehiem and fluval filters and would go with the Ehiem, it has less water bypass than the fluval and the outlets are easier to hide.
Like freddyk said the fluval is a hell of a lot easier to clean though.
I'm a fluval girl! I have a three plus and a two plus and a one plus!! I don't think I'd actually use any other type. I love the air intake on them and the yellow blockage alert thing!!
Go for the fluval (plus it's fun to say.... flooo-val!!!!! - yes I know I'm wierd!!)
Eheim every time!!! :) . They are very reliable and aquireing parts are no problem. I have stuck with this brand for over thirty years and they have never let me down.
You guys are just a bad as the LFS :p they all say something different. Make it easy for me :D Which one???
Aquaone cf-1200,Fluval 404 or Ehiem 2217 ?
I'm in australia so that site won't help me out smooth_bourbon thanks anyways.
Eheim over the Fluval anyday, dont know the Aquaone, id say the 2217 would be perfect for a 58 gallon, i run a 2215 on a 42 gallon and it does a great job.
You guys are just a bad as the LFS  they all say something different
THat's because everyone has different preferences!

I think from the posts you can figure out that the Eheim is superior quality, the Fluval is easier maintenance, and, most importantly, both will get the job done!. So... which is more important to you?
Eheim kinda got my eye as it's better qaulity and cheaper than the fluval, the only thing i'm worried about is will manage it??
It's the first time i will be using a canister.... -_-
I've used the Eheims and the Fluvals, and I have to say whilst I agre with everything that has been said about the fluval being easier to clean, no one has mentioned that the Fluval will fall apart within 2 months of use!! I've had 3 204's 1 304 and a 404. They ALL developed a fault of one kind or another, and 2 of the 204's and the 304 developed pretty major leaks!! :S I now use Ehiems on my tanks and I have 1 Rena XP3 as well.
So, the moral of the story is if you want one that has whistles and bells and is easy to clean, but will break in 2 months, go for the Fluval. if you want a simple filter that will work forever with no hassles, then go with the Eheim!! I know where my money would go! Bloody Fluvals

oh, and xxsarahxx, The plus range of fluval internals are pretty good. I've never had any problems with them, it just seems to be their externals they can't make properly!!
I think i have to decide between the aquaone and the eheim.Aquaone works out much cheaper for me, but then again the eheim i guess would be much better quality.Is it really worth paying about $100 more for eheim 2217? -_-
I've had a Fluval 204 running for 2 years without problem. I'd buy an Eheim next time though as they're regarded as the best filters on the market.

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