battle of the cichlids!!!

what is your favourate cichlid?

  • Ram

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Oscar

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Angelfish

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Discus

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Lemon cichlid

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Agasi'z dwarf cichlid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Macmaster's dwarf cichlid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golden-eyed dwarf cichlid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orange chromide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jewel cichlid

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Convict cichlid

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Firemouth

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Kennyi

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
i know there laot of them hehhehe but get voting its intersting to see which ifs the most popular i gunna vote for discus i lov ethem but havnt kept them yet hehhehehe maybe later on when i am more experinced with my livebeaerers :lol:
Out of the list i say oscars. They have a great personality. I love the large cichlids, my favs being jags and trimacs.
Per owner interaction, I would say that there's no doubt I would like an Oscar. I love them. They are like puppies but in water. :D

I like the more agressive fish though, so I would have to go with a mota.

EDIT: Sorry, mota = motanguense
Well, my fav isn't on that list. I would vote for a Green Terror, my is very Owner responsive and a real delight to watch. My 2nd fav is my Green Severum for the same reason, and their coloring is just amazing.
(I'm basing my opinion on the I have or have had in the past) :thumbs:
ohwell i stil lik ethem they are cute :wub: and i love calico anglefish!!! i'm gunna get those tow cichlids when i'm more experinced 8)
I think that I am going to have to say that my favorite fish is either the pike cichlid or the peacock bass. Obviously you can tell that I am into the more aggresive fish. I have owned oscars and I currently own a green terror. For some reason the oscars would get a disease all the time they were a lot of work and expensive because of that. But it was cool how they would get all excited when you would come near the tank. Just like a dog. The green terror is a very neat fish also. But i just thought I would let you know what I liked

My favorite wasn't listed. :huh:
I love Kribs.
Currently I have 2 Albino males, and 2 regular females.

Beautiful Fish!!!!

Jen :D
I think that I am going to have to say that my favorite fish is either the pike cichlid or the peacock bass. Obviously you can tell that I am into the more aggresive fish. I have owned oscars and I currently own a green terror.

Peacock Bass and Oscars aren't aggressive or mean at all and GT's rarely are but can be in certain circumstances. :blink:

What cichlids have you owned?

Have you ever had a Midas, festae, Red Devil, Dovii, motaguense, Flowerhorn etc?

No offense at all meant and I hope you take it that way. Just trying to learn from you is all.

I hope you take it that way too. :)

For some reason the oscars would get a disease all the time they were a lot of work and expensive because of that.

Do you mean Hole In The Head disease? That's because you don't clean your tank enough and it's dirty.

We can help you out.

How often do you clean your tank and what percentage of water? What/how much/how often do you feed?
No offense taken SMB. I am trying to learn just as much as you are. I learn new things everyday about these fish and I would love to learn more. I am just speaking from my experiences.

In my opinion after owning 2 oscars is that they can be aggressive at times with other fish. I am not saying that they are truly an aggressive fish all the time. Now I didn't mean that the peacock bass are aggressive now but I am sure that they will be a little more when they outgrow the other fish in the tank. I am sure they will grow to be over 3 times the size of the fish I have it with now. Right now, even though they are half the size of the green terror, they wills till gang up on him to get him out of there area. But the green terror will do the same if they come into his area. The green terror I thought was aggressive and is why I bought him. I have also read many places that they are and can be. But I have yet to really see it. I mean at times he can be but not to a great extent. Also the same with the pike cichlid. I have reas that they can be really aggressive but he has not been at all. Sometimes he will snap at the green terror but only if he comes near him.

Now to the oscars and diseases. The oscars that I had would constantly get HITH. I would treat them with this stuff called paragon at least I think that is what it was called. It was something like that. They would be fine for a couple weeks after treatment and then they would get it again. But see the wierd thing is that I would clean the aquarium everyweek. Taking out about 20-25% each time. Then I would treat the water with stress coat, salt, and an ammonia detoxifier. The tank was not overcrowded either. It was just the 2 oscars and a pleco and a pike cichlid. The oscars were about 7 inches. So I was baffled as to why they would get that all the time. I would feed them about once a day if I was using beefheart. If I was using regular dried pellets sometimes once(big feeding but to big) sometimes twice a

Hopefully this clears up what I was meaning to say. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for posting and saying you would help. I would love to learn more. I love learning about these fish. Sorry for the long post. I needed it to get my points across. :)

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