Batta terms? please


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
whats a DT?
all other betta stuff please help?

I'm lost when i try to evedrop in your chat
maybe someone could pin a topic with basic info like this for no nothings like me

DT = double tial
CT = crown tail

falx = a differetn type of betta that's mouth brooders. Not your typical betta that builds buble nests :)
Theres more things i think i always get confused when reading betta stuff, but i went and looked and i think a lot of the things are names of bettas, anyone else think of some stuff i need to know so i don't get confused

I bet all the betta people are rolling their eyes and laughing at me
bbs means baby brine shrimp
um aqua fry is like baby brine shrimp eggs... thats all i can really think of right now i will let you know if I can think of anything alse :huh:
ADFs are good tank mates for a betta, BBS are what some people feed their bettas.

wat the hey woudnt the frogs try to eat the bettas? :crazy:
hmm theres more abbreviations like
MG is mustard gas..a color of a betta
ST-single tail
DR- double ray
SD- super delta tail
plakat- a short tailed version of a betta, and one used more for fighting
hmm all i can think of now
Yes that's what i was thinking of i knew adf though i use that one

now what do

things like crown tail

super tail

single tail

double ray tail


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