Batches Of Albino Cory Eggs Every Week


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Hi there,

I have a small 10gal tank in the kitchen. It houses a pair of guppies (male, female) a male betta, and a trio of albino cory cats, with one of them a female.

Every week for the past 6 months, I have a new batch of eggs all over the glass. Never has anything hatched out of them, and they all usually turn into fungus after a few days.

My guess is that the male cories are still teenagers and not old enough to fertilize the eggs?

Also the betta likes to watch the eggs non stop, I see him nipping at some of them, I am thinking he attacks anything that could be moving, ie the fry inside the eggs?


I think it's more likely that the eggs are fine, but that there's not enough water circulation around them to keep them from getting fungus. Bettas, guppies and sometimes even the corys themselves, will all eat the eggs, and newly hatched fry, if they have a chance. The fry are very tiny when they come out of the eggs and if there is gravel on the bottom of the tank, it's possible you aren't seeing them.

Your best bet, if you want to raise a batch of corys, would be to take the other fish out and set up the 10 gallon tank as a breeding tank. Then, once the corys have spawned, you can remove the substrate and other things and add an airstone near the eggs to increase the water circulation around them. They will hatch in about 4 days and you can get the fry off to a safe start. :D
Thanks inchworm,

The substrate is 20lbs of Tahitian Moon sand (black). Would getting a small 3gal just for the corries be good to use as a breeding tank? Or at least dumping some eggs in there.

You are correct there is not enough circulation by where they lag the eggs. I will put a airstone right by them.

I wanted to know if there is a way to know if the egg has been fertilized. I would think that it would be by seeing a black dot inside the egg. Is that right?

Thanks in advance!

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