Basslet Compatibility


Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2009
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I just got a very cheap yellow assesor basslet from my LFS. I already have a royal gramma, yellow eye tang, lawnmower blenny, 2 percula clowns, and some corals (frogspawn, zooanthids, hammer, mushrooms, and xenia) and inverts (turbo snails, peppermint shrimps, and hermits) in the display tank (55 gallons). In the refugium I have a green carpet anemone and a small domino damsel.
My main question is that I was wondering if the yellow assesor and royal gramma will get along since they're both basslets?

Also, will the carpet anemone and the corals fight even though they are in different parts of the system? I have lost 2 green chromis in the last few weeks due to either chemical warfare or red slime algae toxins. Should I be running carbon to detoxify whatever's been killing them?
I just got a very cheap yellow assesor basslet from my LFS.

Lucky you, they are usually about £50

I already have a royal gramma, yellow eye tang, lawnmower blenny, 2 percula clowns, and some corals (frogspawn, zooanthids, hammer, mushrooms, and xenia) and inverts (turbo snails, peppermint shrimps, and hermits) in the display tank (55 gallons). In the refugium I have a green carpet anemone and a small domino damsel.
My main question is that I was wondering if the yellow assesor and royal gramma will get along since they're both basslets?

Assessors can be aggressive, in particualar with their own sort - not sure I would chance it as either would be really hard to catch - I know which one I would keep :good: the assessor

Also, will the carpet anemone and the corals fight even though they are in different parts of the system? I have lost 2 green chromis in the last few weeks due to either chemical warfare or red slime algae toxins.

It is unlikely that a sumped carpet nem would wage war on the other corals in the main display tank. It is also unlikely that cyano would kill the fish either - more likely the high phospate that may be causing the cyano.

What are your test results and are you running phospate remover and what are your lights like in the sump?

Should I be running carbon to detoxify whatever's been killing them?

Lets see your test results - but running an activated carbon will not hurt

Seffie x
Oh sorry, I haven't been on in a while but a few things changed.

The yellow assesor was only 20$! And I found out they actually aren't basslets.

The anemone is actually in a hang on refugium with the damsel since it can't get enough light (I only have 1 T5 light fixture now but am getting a metal halide next week, I am also upgrading to an 80 gallon next week).

Unfortunately while I was away for 3 days, I had another green and red slime algae outbreak. It killed the yellow eye tang. I got really fed up with this so I did an 80% water change + scrubbed the glass and LR until there was only coralline + cleaned every powerhead, filter, wool/ sponge, UV sterilizer, skimmer, and light until FINALLY there was nothing left. Then I vaccumed all the little bits of snail crap up and filled the tank up with 80% clean saltwater and this time I added a bag of crushed coral and a bag of aragonite sand. Also, when I was cleaning the tank, the yellow assesor hid in the LR and I haven't seen him in 2 days. Is he ok?

As for other livestock... I just got a shipment in of 1 pink skunk clownfish, 2 GIANT green chromis, 1 mandarin goby (aghh YES I have copepods and phytoplankton!), 1 blue linckia star, 1 neon blue cleaner goby, some dechlorinator, and an RO unit.
I acclimated them for 1 1/2 hours. I just got them today, so hopefully the water params will be stable, even though my tank is matured.

I will test phosphate tomorrow.

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