Basic Needs


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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0 friend wants to know what are just some basic needs that are needed for the tank. He has the filter, thermometer, lights, pH checker and all that. But he thinks he is just missing something that will help his tank out more or something he needs. You got any suggestions? Like Aquarium Salt an all the stuff? I don't really want to explain to hm because everytime I do, he never understands me..haha
He needs dechlorinator and water change equipment - siphon + bucket.

He needs a heater if he's gonna keep tropical fish.

He needs (!!) test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Salt isn't really necessary unless he's gonna keep fish which need it. Definitely don't use it with tetras or catfish or other fish whicha re intolerant to it.

Substrate? Decor?
He should have test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at the least. Also it is always best to be prepared and have ich med and a fungus med on hand and some melafix which is good for healing cuts/torn fins etc and doesnt stress the fish. Also a couple of different size nets, an algae scraper, brushes to clean filter tubing, a couple of buckets, a gravel syphon, extra filter cartridges and even an extra filter and heater in case the main one gives up the ghost. A variety of food and some books on basic fish types and care. HTH :)
Actaully...following on from tstenback's extremely valid "extra filter" comment...extra heater!

These are not necessary

but he will be grateful for them when his equipment breaks at 11pm on saturday night and he can't get replacements for them till monday...

not that I learned the hard way or owt :X

Edit: k I clearly didnt read the previous post properly

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