

New Member
Jan 26, 2007
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i got sum barramundi the other day and one of them is unable to sit in the water like a fish does, it just sinks to the bottom and is always just sitting on the bottom, if it wants to get off the bottom and sit normally he has to swim hard straight up and he will not go anywhere just stay in the one spot, any help would be appreciated thanks
Hells bells baramundi, i bought that at at a fish and chip shop on the Gold Coast in Australia and very nice it was too (feel bad now though). You might like to look in this months Practical Fishkeeper as there is an article in about baramundi.
barramundi, are you serious, when i watch rex hunt on tv , he catches those things and they can grow to over 130lb :crazy:
what size is your tank mate?
yeh my who knows wat all tha ph is my tank is only pretty small like 2 ft by 1 ft
they r only small right now but am gettin a bigger one tomoroa so they can grow bigger
yeh they r sic fish to have cos they eat other fish like real good, if you youtube barramundi eating u will see sum sic ones,
i asked the chick at the fish shop and she said yeah it has a problem with its swim bladder so hopefully it gets better before the other barra eats him
catch ya

oh yeh rex hunt catches them they get hell big, i mostly feed them live guppies and other small pond fish anything that will fit in there mouth basically
Don't feed live fish there nothing in them nutritian wise, and they carry deseases.
Hi There,

Yes they can get very big, if you don't want it to grow too fast, be sure to keep your water temp below 24 degrees celcius. Anything over that and it speeds up their metabalism and they grow pretty fast.

Make sure you give them a high protein diet too, and live feeder fish have pretty much no nutritional value (as wilder said), so keep them for special treats every couple of weeks.



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