Barilius Info


Fish Gatherer
Jul 23, 2007
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Hi all,

I might have the chance to purchase a group of Barilius (unsure on species as they havn't been imported yet), and have been trying to research them for the past week or so, however information is proving to be thin on the ground. I did find THIS page on PFK which is useful, but I was wondering if anyone keeps them or has had them in the past and would know any tips or just general information on them?

Many thanks,
Somewhere in my distant past (around 1985) these fish did cross my path, (had 4 of 'em) which I promptly gave away when I got the latest edition of banned fish in South Africa.....(I think they were banned because they could survive the SA habitat if someone decided to release them in our rivers)

They just looked like fish that would require a big aquarium (being very active and always moving)... kept mine in a 6ft angle ironed tank with Blue Acara/ Keyholes and Severum... they were about 3.5inch long..... I never put a heater in this tank (water temps falling below 22 in winter and on average about 26/7 in summer).

They are too active to be aggressive..... at least with the fish I mixed them with.... No idea what they would do in tank with smaller fish..... I just fed ordinary Cichlid pellets (Tetramin) which was in the form of ordinary (disprin) tablets. (brownish colour).
Yeah - they do look like they would be an active fish, and the research I have done backs this up as well. I'm still undecided on them, also depends on which species the shop might be getting in.

Cheers for the info,

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