Barely Hanging In There =/


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2011
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my betta Severus, has been sick for about two days i finally got medicine hes very bloated, cant stay up horizontal, scales sticking out and the cloudy eyes... i hope its not to late. i got this fizzy tablet med for bacterial and fungus stuff... the directions say 1 tablet for every 10 gal but i dont have him in one so i cut the top off of a milk jug(very cleaned out of course), but i put 1/4 of the tablet in a bucket and let it dissolve and poured a gal in the the empty milk jug and does anyone know how often to change the water like change the gal compelety with the left over in the bucket? or every four days i think it said? the directions are terrible and dont explain anything. if someone could help answer soon thanks :)
PS hes sometimes floating to the bottom at a vertial position should i put something in there that will hold him a surface ?? =/
If it is the medicine I am thinking of, I think you are suppose to put 1 tablet for 10 gallons (how big is his tank/bowl?) Then you do a 50% water change after 72 hours and repeat if required. Do you know the brand of the tablets that might help with getting directions?

Not the best at treating fish, and really have no idea what it could be. If he is having trouble swimming, you may want to but him in a smaller tank during treatment. One that isn't so deep would probably be best. If you can't do that then yes I would put something in there that will help him stay closer to the surface. If I remember correctly Betta's need to be able to get to the surface for air or something like that. Sorry, been out of betta keeping for over a year now can't remember all the specifics.
Sorry did some quick google searching. Found the info about Betta's breathing at the surface:

Bettas have a special respiratory organ that allows them to breath air directly from the surface. In fact they inherently must do so. In experiments where the labyrinth organ was removed, the fish died from suffocation even though the water was saturated with oxygen. For this reason, Bettas must have access to the water surface to breath air directly from the atmosphere.

Sorry not much help to your immediate problem, but yes if he is having trouble getting to the water surface, move him to a more shallow container or have something that will help he stay closer to the surface, or maybe even lower the water level in your tank.

Also, forgot to mention make sure you do not have carbon in your filter remove it while your are treating him with the medication or the carbon will filter out the medication thus rendering your efforts useless.
i put a bubbler in there hopefully it will help thank you ill just keep an eye on him.
Sounds like dropsy.
You'll need to get hold of some epsom salts and give him daily baths of some warm, dechlorinated water with the salt added to try and take down the swelling. The salts can usually be found in your local chemist. I'm not sure of the exact dose though, so hopefully someone will be able to help you with that.
You'll need to get hold of some ASAP if you want him to survive.

Hope he pulls through! :)
thanks...hes going to the bottom alot now =/ i moved the bubbler near him

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