Barebottom Tank For Bettas

2 out of 3 of my bettas are in barebottomed tanks.
as long as they've got some fake plants to sit on, it's fine.
its easier to clean the tanks when they're barebottomed.
no they're lazy! they like to rest on leaves near the surface and breath/blow bubbles
those tails are heavy, it's nice to rest them on something
gives them something to play with
just make sure they have nice chunky weighted bases and they stand up pretty well, of course my barebottomed tanks are unfiltered.
if you have a current you'll have to be imaginative! maybe use some large bits of gravel/glass stones to weight them down so they don't float around the tank.
Silk plants in my area have little rock looking weights on them to hold them down.
these are my two bare bottomed tanks.

the second one's lid is wonky because the tank was cheap and it doesn't fit right heh
hoping to get one the same as the above one at some point, they're more expensive though
chi seems happy enough in it though, if the size of his bubble nests are anything to go by


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I also have little planters in mine for "caves" that the bettas like to sit in sometimes. Bare bottom is much easier to clean than the tanks with gravel/rocks.
no they're lazy! they like to rest on leaves near the surface and breath/blow bubbles
those tails are heavy, it's nice to rest them on something
gives them something to play with

I've got some hornwort... a floating plant. My bettas love to rest in that.

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