Barbs Tankmates


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2007
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What else can go with barbs in a 75g, I was thinking of putting in 10 Tiger Barbs but what else can i keep with them.
Your lack of response probably reflects the very open and general nature of your question. In a 75 with 10 TB's you have enough space for literally 1,000's of combinations of fish that would work. It boils down to taste as much as anything else, and what someone offers as good taste may be totally inappropriate.

Are you looking at an Asian setup? An Oxbow setup, a stream/sluggish? A total mixture with American/African species?
could i keep angelfish in there with tb's and what about GBR's can they go with the tb's

how about tetras, any tetras that can go with them
Im sorry as I am not totally sure what the answer is but just google it and see whats good with tiger barbs... then if ur unsure of how many of a certain species or two or if u want to double check anything u can be more specific that way.


Even with a big group of TB's, I wouldn't put anything with long fins in with them. A trailing fin is just too much temptation to any self respecting TB. Decent size groups of the more boistrous tetras will be okay for example, Red-Eyed, Serpæ etc.
A little late here. It really is about personal preference.

I have Red Glass Barbs in my tank. I've chosen to pair them with 3 clown loaches. They tend to all swim together like one happy family.

I second the short fin theory. Barbs love to nip. Get enough of them and the nipping is dispersed. Enjoy your tank!
Barbs love to nip.
Some barbs nip, most don't, it is sad that a group as large as the barbs with so many perfectly peaceful members all get tarred with the same brush. Barbs don't have jaw teeth, just pharangeal teeth. A nip from a barb is relatively harmless compared to the same nip from a tetra. Being front toothed, they can do a lot of damage very quickly.
i have kept heaps with my tiger barbs i have had a siamese fighter (would not suggest it) and tetras female guppies platies any thing that doesn't have a long tail seem to be okay with them and the larger the school of tb's the less they have anything to do with other fish

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