Barbels Gone!


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
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Baltimore, MD
While looking at my pandas, I noticed something... they don't have any... and I mean any... barbels left on their faces! I feel bad since I have gravel. Is it really bad for them not to have any? They seem to be finding food okay. I feel guilty. D:
I have gravel in my cory tanks and not had any problems, but it is pea gravel so they are rounded and not sharp edged, change the gravel you have to more rounded and you shouldn't have any problems.

I don't think losing the barbels is a big issue in a domestic tank, they really only use them in the wild to feel out worms etc so not essential in a domestic tank. But if you change the gravel the barbels will grow back so don't stress too much. :good:
If your gravel is not rounded, you should definately change your gravel, or better switch to sand.

For the few hours work and little cash it would take to change from gravel to sand I would seriously consider it. :)
Just watch out for any infections around where the barbel should be. Treat with melafix or similar if any infection becomes apparent.
My tank has a gravel and sand mix and all my cories have, long beautiful barbles. Of course, my gravel doesn't appear to be sharp.
The usual cause of barbell loss is not the gravel but the infections that the barbels get from bad bacteria that is in the gravel. If you must have gravel you must also vacum and clean the gravel deeply and often. As Inchworm always says, the Cories live on the bottom and are easy victims of bacterial infections especially to the barbels.

They do need their barbells, just as you need your hands! Yes, they can learn to live possibly w/o them, just as you can learn to live without your hands.
I think more likely water parameter or bacterial infections also check pH water. As long as your Panda didn't get sick or infection Barbels should grow back.
Oh, it's bacteria? D: Thanks for letting me know. I've recently changed my water changing habits and do it once a week. Thanks everyone!!
Good luck as once they lose there barbels they can't find food.
Keep an eye on it. Saw a barbatus cat (basically a big cory) that was missing it's barbals, and it was all red and infected round it's mouth at an LFS today. Very sad.
I'd change to sand if you can. I've recently moved my pandas into a tank with fine sand substrate and they love it. They seem to be more active and they go mad when I feed them live bloodworms doing headstands and burrowing into the sand after the worms.
no this is a funny question,but what does rounded gravel look like, mine looks like this...

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