Hello, with cories, they use their barbels to source food etc and if the barbels become damaged, especially in a community tank may not be able to get to food and starve to death. I have also read that the barbels are particularly sensitive to nitrates (high levels) and generally the barbels are prone to bacterial infections etc (all fish have their particular weaknesses). They are delicate but as long as they have regular water changes, you siphon the bottom to keep clear of debris and left over food when doing water changes this will very much limit this kind of damage unless introduced to the tank by other means. Also (I havent experienced this myself) but using sharp gravel can wear down their barbels as they snuffle about and damage them. I have used various sands and also pea gravel to great effect with no damage to the barbels what so ever. Also should be mentioned worn barbels isnt the end of the world, you just dont want it developing into a bacterial infection or spreading, there have been some on here who have rescued ones or have ones with worn down barbels and they have been fine and lived on (depends on the tank you have and the occupants).