Fish Addict
One of my odessa barbs looks like he has horrible mouthrot or something - all this white covering his mouth and it looks like its eating away his nose.
Strange part is he is still swimming around normally in full colours.
Just wondering what it might be and if its likely to be contagious?
Have been doing water changes and dosing Melafix but doesn't appear to be getting better - as I said seems to be eating his mouth area away.
Apologies, they are too quick to get a decent photo.
Stats are all fine, this is a well established large tank (450 litre).
All the other fish are fine at the moment...
Strange part is he is still swimming around normally in full colours.
Just wondering what it might be and if its likely to be contagious?
Have been doing water changes and dosing Melafix but doesn't appear to be getting better - as I said seems to be eating his mouth area away.
Apologies, they are too quick to get a decent photo.
Stats are all fine, this is a well established large tank (450 litre).
All the other fish are fine at the moment...