Barb With Betta


Leader of the Pieces
Mar 25, 2006
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any barb species/types that will behave well with betta?
i know tiger barb is no good.
or are all barbs no good with betta?
guess they are not meant to be together!
Some barbs are ok but it depends on tank size - a ten gallon could hold cherry barbs & a betta, a 20g would give more choice.
Some barbs are ok but it depends on tank size - a ten gallon could hold cherry barbs & a betta, a 20g would give more choice.
i have a 180L tank..
shall i go with the cherry barbs?
how big do they get?
what are the other choices?
Information about Cherry Barbs...
In theory they should be OK but remember that they can have different personalities. Even the most placid barbs can have 'nippy' moments.
Try here... for supposedly compatible species.

:cool: links!
what other type of barb would you recommend?
are danios and tetras a definite no go as well?

My danios and tetras have no problems with my betta but thats not to say its the case with everyone. Tetras can be very nippy and nip away at the bettas fins.
My danios and tetras have no problems with my betta but thats not to say its the case with everyone. Tetras can be very nippy and nip away at the bettas fins.

how big is your tank?
thanks for the info.
i had my betta in a community tank with some neon and black neon tetras. He hated them, but things were relatively peaceful. Sometimes they would get too close to HIS CORNER, but they never did any damage to him, and he was too slow to catch them. But I would still watch out, I ended up having to take him out of the tank because he wasn't getting enough to eat. He liked to think about his food but the tetras were be all over the place and ate most of it, even out from right under (over? :lol: ) his nose
rule of thumb (or what i stick to) is move away from fast moving species, and nippy species.

if you put him in your rio180?? then it will severly limit you to what fish you can add in the future.

thanks a lot guys...
might put the betta on my 20L to get some more other fishes on my 180L..

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