I'm not sure what happened, but the mascara barbs paid the price... I could only find one last night... all the smaller fish seem to be alright... the mascaras were the medium sized fish, and everything has always been peaceful in that tank... my best guess, the torpedo went berserk??? it's grown into a 10 inch heavy bodied fish... but last night, it appeared normal, and hanging with the Tin Foils... I suppose another possibility is the mascaras ( 3 ) 2 males and 1 female, reached sexual maturity, and the males had a brawl??? I haven't been home much over last weekend, so not a lot of observation... they are all bigger fish, so capable of some banging around... not much hard scape in the tank, to maximize the swimming space, a resin hollow log on each end, intended to give the smaller fish some shelter, and a handful of 1 inch sticks standing in a corner, for the pleco, and to add some wood component to the water, but otherwise no line of sight breaks in this tank, which hadn't needed any previously??? last night I couldn't find 4 - 4-5 inch fish, with not many hiding places for a fish that size, I suspect the worst open top tank, with lots of Pothos on the long sides... if someone were forced out of the tank, they would have had to have gone over the hang on tank filters on the ends... didn't see any fish on the floor, but the lights on that tank had begun to dim, by the time I checked on it, and noticed this last night...
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