As of right now I have a 20g with 4 golden barbs and 2 five banded barbs (look like tigers only not aggressive) I was wondering how many total of each I could put in it. Id also like to put a couple of cory cats in the future.
The tank is 20 us gallons and it is a tall tank. The filter does 90 gph.
I also got some julii cory cats today, 4 of them and another one of the 5 banded barbs cause the lfs only had one left. So now my tank houses 4 golden barbs, 3 five banded barbs, and 4 julii cory cats, oh and my fire belly toad.
Fire belly toads aren't messy. Atleast mine isn't. He eats crickets and usually never leaves much and he does't have much waste but its easy to get out when he does.