Barb/shark Compatibility


New Member
Dec 30, 2008
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I currently have 18 Barbs (12 tiger 6 black ruby) in my 60 Gal. tank. I would like to add a rainbow shark or a red tailed shark to the tank because mostly because I can make idle threats about feeding foes to my shark tank. I have been told the rainbow and red tailed sharks are bottom dwellers and will be okay with the barbs but some reassurance or even suggestions of some more appropriate larger tank mates would be very helpful. I would like to have room to more smaller fish eventually to the tank and the relatively small adult size of these sharks is important.
in my opinion RTBS need a 75 gallon BARE minimum but a rainbow would fit in your tank, but i strongly recomend you dont buy either of them as they can both grow very aggressive towards other tank-mates
Not sure out the size, but i think the RTBS should be ok with them as long as their colours aren't 2 dark. Id a couple of green tiger barbs that my RTB constantly chased as he thought from a distance that they the same as him, and ended up havin to serperate, but i dont think that would've happened if te barbs were lighter in colour

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