Barb Emergency, I think

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Feb 9, 2004
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Glendora, CA
Hey guys...

Listen... The past few days one of my Red Tail Barbs has been seen doing flips in the tank, then he recovers and carries on.

It has just recently been drawn to my attention. I just came in to the office late to do some work and went to look at them and right when I sat down he liked looked at me and then started doing it.

I MEAN FULL FLIPS. Then... He catches the Air bubbles and flips all the way to the top, then to the bottom... and just before he hits the bottom he lands fins down. So... he recovers.

I just put some flake in there to feed them and now he is schooling like normal.

What The Heak Is GoiNg on here? Is there something wrong or do I have a "Special Fish" or Should I send a video to america's funniest Home Videos?

Any help would be appreciated.
Well... Thank you J_acon!

At least someone replied.

This fish is still alive and swimming. I think he is "special". I went to the LFS and talked to one of my buddies and he was telling me that he would think it was going to die, but he was puzzled when it recovers.

He came to see it and still cannot believe it. Has any else noted this behavior before? I am not sure what it is, but it is not known to be "normal" at this time. Any help would be appreicated.
I cant help you out but i can say that this is not normal behaviour. The only time i have seen fish do flips is when there is a swim bladder problem or a nervous system problem and niether one has a very positive ending. Your fish seems completely healthy from what you say so maybe you do have a special fish. Keep us posted. :)
He is still alive and swimming. I must get some footage and show you guys. It is really weird. He still does the same thing. I have noticed though occassionally he swims around tilting the the right a little bit. But other times he swims fine. :thumbs:

I have no idea. He is "special". lol! :fun:

:rofl: Good times I suppose. Let me know. I thought swim bladder too, but I would think he would have past on by now. I did a water change today and he appears to be doing well. The pack (all 6 barbs) took down a med. goldfish today. I was shocked! :blink: Like wolves!!! it was crazy! The "Special One" is now finally eating small minnows like the others now too (aside the usual flake).

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