

Jan 30, 2004
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my lfs got baracudas in the r small about 1.5in and look so cooldoes anyone have info on them should i get one (look at those teeth :thumbs:
thta did help can i keep them with my clownknife
tdins_2 said:
thta did help can i keep them with my clownknife
I'd say 'yes' untill the Baracuda is bigger than the clownknife, then it's bye bye clownknife.

Baracudas grow fast
i dont think the baracuda will get bigger and clowns grow fast as well
tdins_2 said:
i dont think the baracuda will get bigger
The Baracuda is now one and a half inches?

It will grow to nearly one and a half feet!

It gets to 15 inches!

Although I suppose your Clownknife has a head start and they can get to three feet long, so I suppose it might be safe.
You can have him. To scarry for me. "Look at those teeth" I think my guppies would disown me if they smelled his tank on my hands..............

The only FW baracuda owners I have ever talked to (SMB and Aquanut :crazy: :angry: :crazy: :angry: ) said that every one they ever owned was a disapointment. they like to hide alot and are not as big on swimming back and forth looking omonous plus they are omnivores WTFIUWT.

Ive kept baracudas and firstly they are not a fast growing species and they are deffinately not omnivors.

You will need a tank with a minimum length of 5 feet to keep them, in a smaller tank they will continually ram the sides of the tank and damage their noses. When young they can be fed on large bloodworms and aquatic insects but once they reach around 4" they will only accept fish unless you are successful in weening them off feeders.

They will not harm fish that they cannot swallow and do not do well if kept with aggressive fish, my last two were killed by a pair of leporanis :( . I wouldnt expect them to grow past 12" in captivity and providing the tank was big enough they could be kept with a clown knife fish but if the clown is larger than them they may become food.
CFC said:
not a fast growing species .... They will not harm fish that they cannot swallow...
I really must stop listening to my LFS, They've steered me wrong time and time again. They told be Baraudas grow as fast as arowana and will attack anything in the tank, bigger or smaller.

Since I posted my last message on this topic I've done some on-line research (and read CFC's post) and now know better.

LFS advice sucks (nearly always)

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