Banjo plec and catfish info.


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
Just need to know there max size and if 1 would live happily in a 6ft?

Also I'm buying a tank which comes with fish including a brown catfish- how big are these? any other info on them will be great.
We have a couple of banjos. There are several different species, but the most commonly found grow to around 6 inches.

If you do purchase any, I highly recommend a sand substrate as they love to bury themselves. In fact, you will very rarely see them as they hardly move once in a good spot.

Your 6 foot tank is plenty big enough for several of these strange little fellas.

You will rarely see them eat, but they do thoroughly enjoy bloodworm. Make sure you put food in after the lights go out.

As for the brown catfish - could you be any more descriptive?

Excellent, I think there fab litle dudes!!

Sorry I can't thats all the info I got, he just listed the fish out in an e-mail and that was one of them.
If you want to see what they look like eating, we uploaded a video of one of our guys here.

Just right click and save as...
I totally agree with Lady, they are awesome fish!
I bought mine from LFS and there was gravel in the tank with him, so the guy said he hardly buried himself, and he didn't know why. When I brought mine home, I think he lasted a whole 3 secs before he did the bury thing with sand going everywhere. Totally funny and we showed him off at our last party. He is a weird little guy and the only reason you know we have him (although you have to know his hiding spots) is hi tail. A 6ft long tank would be perfect for him, you should do it!
They are weird looking though, with the colourings, the big belly, the fact that mine plays dead when you intially take him out of the sand...... :blink:
Yep i'm going to have to get some, I think there body shape is so intersting. As the ones at my LFS are only babies at about 1 would they be OK with the larger fish that will already be in the tank i'm buying?
earthgirl said:
I totally agree with Lady, they are awesome fish!
I bought mine from LFS and there was gravel in the tank with him, so the guy said he hardly buried himself, and he didn't know why. When I brought mine home, I think he lasted a whole 3 secs before he did the bury thing with sand going everywhere. Totally funny and we showed him off at our last party. He is a weird little guy and the only reason you know we have him (although you have to know his hiding spots) is hi tail. A 6ft long tank would be perfect for him, you should do it!
They are weird looking though, with the colourings, the big belly, the fact that mine plays dead when you intially take him out of the sand...... :blink:
I love the way when you pick them up and let them go they drop onto the substrate like a stone and then suddenly wriggle under the sand and disappear completely. :D

And yes, they are so weird looking, but I love that in my fish...
paul_v_biker said:
Yep i'm going to have to get some, I think there body shape is so intersting. As the ones at my LFS are only babies at about 1 would they be OK with the larger fish that will already be in the tank i'm buying?
Because banjo's are so "lifeless-like" I doubt your other fish would notice him. Like any catfish he will also go rigid if handled/eaten and the sharp fins are meant to put predators off.

Juvenile banjos don't bury themselves as much as adults, they prefer to lay vertically amongst plant leaves so make sure you have some long-leaved plants - they don't have to be real.

He may not be very happy if you have other fish that like to dig up the sand constantly, that said we have two violet gobies who pretty much re-scape the substrate on a daily basis and the banjos seem fine....

Glad you liked the video btw, it's quite surprising to see how much a banjo can fit in its mouth.

Incidentally, what fish will be sharing with your banjo(s)?
Yer I think they look great, almost like something out of Startrek!!

Because banjo's are so "lifeless-like" I doubt your other fish would notice him.
Thats what I was thinking that would happen, just had to check up on instint!

If you check out this thread and the link you can see what I'm going after to buy!-

I'm not sure if I will keep all the plecs especially the albino one, all the sharks will stay for sure, not too sure about the rest will have to see what I like.

In the pictures i'ved seen in your sig especially I though they got ALOT bigger!!
paul_v_biker said:
If you check out this thread and the link you can see what I'm going after to buy!-

I'm not sure if I will keep all the plecs especially the albino one, all the sharks will stay for sure, not too sure about the rest will have to see what I like.

In the pictures i'ved seen in your sig especially I though they got ALOT bigger!!
Your banjo should be fine with those fish - the worst thing that might happen is the sharks might have a little poke at him. Our kribs do this occasionally, but the banjo doesn't budge so they get bored.

As for the photos of our banjos, well I guess that's one of the benefits of macro mode. :D

There is a giant banjo species (aspredo aspredo) which can grow to 15 inches, but this is rarely seen in the hobby.
heh, this tank has been put in front of my new digi cam!! mine only has a close up mode which aint too good.

Mmmmmmm think my other dimension would need to me closer to 2 ft to house them happily.

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