Banjo Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2003
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BC wetcoast, Canada
Has anyone seen or owned a banjo catfish before?
They're one of the most interesting fish I've seen, and I'd like to get one, but I wonder how big they get and whatnot. Anyone know?

:lol: :lol: ...We have a Banjo cat named Billy...should have named him Stick...he hardly ever moves. Cool looking fish, but likes to bury itself in sand and leaf litter :huh: ...lays there until supper time, then may come out eat a little brine shrimp and back under cover. He comes out a little more at night, but not much. The cories push him around...literally...they muscle under him and squirm all over him...and he still doesn't move :hyper: .
I think he will grow up to about 6 inches. Check Planet Catfish for some good info.

I have 2 banjos and like Puffer says you hardly ever see them,they are great fish for keeping snail populations down,in the tank they are in you never see a snail in the tank although there are many in the filter where the banjos cant get them.6" is about right for max size although IME 4" is probably the best you will get in a tank.I did reaad somewhere that full grown specimins have been known to take small fish but from seeing how slow they are am not convinced of this but it is a point worth thinking about before adding them to a community with small fish.
Thank you Puffer and Crazy!

That's what I wanted to know... some books show the most interesting fish, but tell you almost nothing about them. This one showed the Banjo cat swimming around the aquarium! But it sounds like that's almost a rare thing :lol:
I think they're kind of cute (I'm a fan of the "uglies" in life) and I was thinking about getting one but we'll see. I haven't got a snail issue in our 33 gallon.
I did in my 10 gallon (a huge snail issue) but 10 gallons sounds like it would probably be a bit too small.

Thank you very much for your help guys!

I have 3 Bicolor Banjo catfish(Dysichthys coracoideus Bunocephalus bicolor, B. coracoideus), they are about 5inches long and spend all day doing nothing( thats the life :rolleyes: :D :) :thumbs: ) They get aroud 4-6 inches long BUT there always a but there is a species which can get 12 maybe 13 inches they have a very long tail. (Mottled Eel-Tailed Banjo Catfish (Platystacus cotylephorus))
These can be breed in your tank althou you need lots of them to even have a chance( they be difficult but it has been done), they lay around 4500 eggs and they hatch in 3 days. ideally needs a sandy bottom.

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