Banded Kuhli Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
Lancaster UK
Just got back from my LFS with some new stock for my planted 127ltr tank.
As well as buying some Anubias & Java fern attached to bogwood, I got 4 x banded Kuhli loaches (to go with my 3 black Kuhlis) & a horse faced loach (Acanthopsis Choirorhynchus.
It must be 20 years since I last kept either of these species & am well chuffed with them, I got the Kuhlis for £1.50 Each which I thought was a bargain & they are a good size at 3" long, the horse face loach (3") for £3.50.
Looking forward to the horse face putting some growth on, then churning through the substrate like a mini aquatic JCB :lol:
Kuhlis are an old favorite of mine from years ago as well. Glad you were able to find some decent sized ones. I usually just see these tiny little skinny ones out there. Now you have me thinking about getting some. :good:

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