
I have two Atyopsis spinipes.
they are well suited to tropical comunities.
what did you want to know?
There is a profile of them on the Index - where I've also added one of my photos. They are great shrimp but do not appreciate a "busy" tank with large predatory type fish. Nice gentle tank mates will do :)
Should be fine :) as long as you plan on getting a larger tank some time soon - way to small for that clown loach (but I'm sure you know that already).
I've had 2 in a community tank for 3 months, and have been doing well. They are fun to watch, and have each molted once.
:crazy: my eyesight is clearly failing me on a Sunday ! :lol: Apologies Laura :*)
Yes it will be :nod: but just remember that they tolerate absolutely no ammonia or nitrite whatsoever and do far better in established tanks. I read in one of your other posts that you might move the shrimp and frog to another tank once it's cycled. But I'd give it a few months at least. A newly cycled tank is too young to be ultra stable for them.
If you mean the shrimp - not a good idea. Betta requires little/no flow/current. Shrimp requires a lot - and as they grow fairly big, too large for most betta tanks. Bamboo shrimp are filter feeders so wave their little "hands" through the current and filter bits of food from there to eat. Frog will be OK with the betta if your tank is large enough.
At least you're asking :) and can do something about things before it may become a problem. And doing what's best for your fishy friends. Well done.
im terrible when i go round a fish place cuz i want to buy everything! i used to but now i realise this is not always best so i try and learn as much as poss before buyin anything.

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