Fish Crazy
Will Bamboo Shrimp Survive with 10 H. Rasbora 3 Bronze Cory Catfish 2 Honey Dwarf Gourami Heavily planted with Fake Plants?
Will Bamboo Shrimp Survive with 10 H. Rasbora 3 Bronze Cory Catfish 2 Honey Dwarf Gourami Heavily planted with Fake Plants?
far from it!!!! these guys are filter feeders, the current caused by the air raising makes their job easy. its a trick used by many keepers. Airstones are often a favourite playground for inverts. if they are short of O2 they tend to head to the surface, and if they can, out the tank altogether.Hanging over an airstone sounds sorta like a bad sign, as if they weren't getting enough current or oxygen.
I do things differently. I keep a good current throughout the entire tank rather than coming from one spot. If they're good and healthy, there's nothing wrong with that either.