Bamboo Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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Ok, So I have been really fascinated with the bamboo shrimp. I havn't bought one but I want to.

First question, do they need bamboo? I always see them housed with it.

Second question. I understand they eat types of algea that other algea eaters wont eat... or at least this is what I heard. Is this algae easy to supply? Or maybe a better question is how do you feed these cool little guys?
They don't need bamboo.

They don't eat algae, they're filter-feeders. They feed off microorganisms in the water column, but can scoop food off the ground if there isn't enough.
Thanks! Are these microorganisms found in most/all tanks? And do you need to supplement any other type of food? What are the chances of him starving or something?

They seem to always hang around/on bamboo in the pet shops. Are there any benefits they get from it or is that found in their natural environment?
They usually get enough in established tanks, but you can always supplement them with liquid or fry foods in case.

They probably hang around the bamboos because they feel safer there, or it's in a spot with a good current (such as the filter output). The bamboo itself doesn't do anything. Speaking of which, they do best in a tank with good water movement.
I saw mine eating algae wafers in the store, but now that it's in my tank, it hasn't touched one.

I guess it gets whatever it needs from the stuff in the water, as it molted the other day.

They are neat little buggers, definitely get one if you can.
A good bit of advice I heard was -- if you have a well established filter, try and put the outlet near somewhere they can perch (some bogwood or something). It gives them somewhere to stand and sift the current. The filter outlet should be full of bacteria and infusoria for them to eat. Plus, the best thing about filter shrimp IMHO is watching them use their fans! :)
Cool! Thanks for the great info, I am headed out to buy one tonight!
You can supplement their diet by feeding them well-crushed flake food and/or spirulina flake or powder to the water current.

So, did you get any?

Just wanted to add that if you google "Atyopsis moluccensis", you can find alot more info on them.
They feed off microorganisms in the water column, but can scoop food off the ground if there isn't enough.

If you see your shrimp eating off it means it is not getting enough food through the current. This is very unhealthy for the bamboo s

The act of eating off the ground itself probably doesn't hurt the shrimp much, it's just that they're unlikely to be well-fed that way. Unlike other shrimp, they can't "pick" at food, they just scoop it up and into their mouths like a shovel.

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