Bamboo Shrimp, Dying? Please Help!


New Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Hi, I'm pretty new to the whole fish keeping field, and need some shrimp advice.

I have a Bamboo/Wood/Fan/Flower/Fan/Singapore Shrimp, it has many names I thought I'd include them all to avoid confusion... Anyway I've had him for 2 months or so now and everything's been fine, he's been a little shy and hides somewhat (this may be due to my Chinese Loach who tends to chase most its tank mates around). Today I changed the water and the filter and within a few hours my precious shrimp starts acting a bit weird, he was laying on his side, and allowed me to take him out using a cup where he stayed on his side twitching his legs but not doing anything else. I went to my aquatics shop and they couldn't tell me what was wrong but said it may be about to shed it's skin. I've since put him back in, he's not on his side anymore but isn't moving about very much at all.

Am I looking at a dying shrimp? If I am, is there anything I can do to save him?
What are your water stats?
What have you been feeding it?
What size is your tank?

You need very high water quality and an area of high flow for these shrimp to filter their food and a tank of 40+gallons is needed to provide sufficient food but you should always also use direct feeding via a pipette. Don't move or touch him if molting they are very sensitive and fragile during this.
The water's fine, it was changed today so nitrites/ammonia are at zero and nitrates are at around 10ppm. The store I bought it from and web sources said it doesn't need feeding since it filters its food from the water, and it has been happy enough to do this for the past couple of months. Though I fear my tank may be a bit small, it is only 15 gallons. I will be buying a new tank soon but I fear the shrimp may not last that long.

He hasn't improved in the past few hours, he just sits there, or lies on his side. There's no sign of it shedding it's skin right now so I'm beginning to fear the worst.
He needs direct feeding.... I don't really care what you have read these shrimp are filter feeders they need micro-organisms to be present in the water column which only occurs with 40+ gallons tanks plus direct feeding will make these shrimp healthy as a button.
Hi, I'm pretty new to the whole fish keeping field, and need some shrimp advice.

I have a Bamboo/Wood/Fan/Flower/Fan/Singapore Shrimp, it has many names I thought I'd include them all to avoid confusion... Anyway I've had him for 2 months or so now and everything's been fine, he's been a little shy and hides somewhat (this may be due to my Chinese Loach who tends to chase most its tank mates around). Today I changed the water and the filter and within a few hours my precious shrimp starts acting a bit weird, he was laying on his side, and allowed me to take him out using a cup where he stayed on his side twitching his legs but not doing anything else. I went to my aquatics shop and they couldn't tell me what was wrong but said it may be about to shed it's skin. I've since put him back in, he's not on his side anymore but isn't moving about very much at all.

Am I looking at a dying shrimp? If I am, is there anything I can do to save him?

what did u do to the filter ?

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