Bamboo Shrimp Behaviour


New Member
May 12, 2010
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Hi I got a couple of bamboo shrimp a few days ago and hadn't seen them since they went in. I looked and found them under a large piece of wood where all my other shrimp hide. I got the bamboo shrimp because from everthing I read about them they eat particles out of the water column with their fans, and I thought they would be out in the open alot. But when I found them under the wood they were eating off the wood like all the other shrimp is this normal or isn't there enough food for them?

Ideally you need a moderate to strong current for bamboo shrimps. They are not the most mobile of shrimp. Up until recently I had one and he always stayed where ever the current was strongest. With internal filters he would sit on the filter or powerhead and stick his fans directly into the output. If your tank has too weak of a current I could see them trying to scavenge which isn't proper for them. You might want to look into a powerhead for the tank. If you think you have enough current then give them a few more days to settle in. They often find a place they like and will often sit and filter there all day or until the current changes they will go hunt out a new place. If you think they need food in the water either crumble up and algae wafer or what I do is stick a wafer to the intake on a powerhead.

I'm not sure what went wrong with mine as I lost him just yesterday after having him for a long time. He had been moved around lately and I put him in a soil based tank I had setup a few days earlier. I noticed he had molted which isn't abnormal. But 12 hours later I found him on his side in bad shape. Something went wrong but IDK what. When he died he was still soft, which I don't think is normal since it was quiet a while since his molt. I want to say it was something in the tank, but the cherry shrimp seem fine and water tests don't show much.
Hi sorry to hear about your shrimp. I have a fairly strong current because my danios love trying to swim against it. I will wait and see if they come out more. I will be getting a 60l shrimp tank in the new year and will move them in and hopeful they will be happier there.
I ended up with 1 Bamboo shrimp when I thought I`d bought 4 Amanos, obviously the girl put a Bamboo in by mistake :unsure:

The 3 Amano shrimp came out into the open in my tank quite a while before the Bamboo one did but after about 6 - 8 weeks the Bamboo is now coming out more often. I guess it all depends on how confident they are with their surroundings as to whether or not they spend much time out in the open :/

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